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An open source framework for real-time, multi-modal, conversational AI applications.0
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What is Pipecat?

Pipecat is an innovative framework designed for the development of voice (and multimodal) conversational agents. It caters to a wide range of applications, including personal coaches, meeting assistants, children’s storytelling toys, customer support bots, intake flows, and social companions with a touch of snark. Pipecat supports the integration of various AI services and offers flexibility in choosing different transports, making it a powerful tool for developers looking to create engaging and interactive conversational experiences.

Key Features:

  1. 🌐 Multimodal Support:Pipecat allows the integration of voice, image output, and video input, enabling the creation of diverse and interactive conversational agents.

  2. 🔧 Easy Integration:With support for multiple AI services like anthropic, azure, fal, moondream, openai, playht, silero, and whisper, Pipecat offers extensive options for customizing the capabilities of your conversational agent.

  3. 🚀 Scalability:Start locally and scale to the cloud effortlessly. Pipecat supports easy migration of agent processes, ensuring a smooth transition as your project grows.

  4. 🔗 Versatile Transports:Choose from various transport options like local, websocket, and daily to suit your application’s requirements.

  5. 📚 Extensive Documentation:Pipecat provides foundational code examples and complete example apps, making it easier for developers to get started and learn.

Use Cases:

  1. Personal Coaching App:A voice agent that offers fitness tips, motivational quotes, and tracks progress, making personal training more accessible and interactive.

  2. Meeting Assistant:Assists in managing meetings by taking notes, setting reminders, and providing summaries, enhancing productivity and organization.

  3. Storytelling Toy for Kids:An interactive toy that narrates stories, responds to children’s questions, and even sings, making learning and playtime more engaging.

How Does It Work?

Pipecat operates by setting up a pipeline that processes and routes data between different components, such as AI services and transport layers. It uses event handlers to trigger specific actions, like greeting a user when they join a session. The framework’s modular design allows for easy customization and extension of functionality.

How to Use?

Getting started with Pipecat is straightforward. Install the module using pip, set up your environment with the necessary API keys, and choose additional dependencies based on your project’s needs. Pipecat provides a simple example app that demonstrates how to create a basic voice agent running locally, which can then be scaled to the cloud or integrated with additional features like WebRTC for real-time media transport.


  • Q: Can Pipecat be used for video-based applications?A:Yes, Pipecat supports video input, allowing for the development of video-based conversational agents.

  • Q: What is VAD, and why is it important?A:Voice Activity Detection (VAD) is crucial for determining when a user has finished speaking, enabling a more natural conversation flow. Pipecat uses WebRTC VAD by default and offers the option to use Silero VAD for improved accuracy.


Pipecat stands out as a flexible and powerful framework for building voice and multimodal conversational agents. Its extensive features, easy integration with various AI services, and scalability make it an ideal choice for developers looking to create innovative and engaging conversational experiences. Whether you’re building a personal coaching app, a meeting assistant, or a storytelling toy for kids, Pipecat provides the tools and flexibility to bring your ideas to life.

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Pipecat was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Pipecat Alternatives

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  1. Enhance your chatting experience with OpenCat, the native client of OpenAI and ChatGPT. Get a smoother and faster experience now!

  2. Speech-to-Text Voice Search Wake Word Speech-to-Intent Voice Activity Detection to build on-device audio transcription & voice search engines & voice assistants

  3. Boost your productivity and regain privacy with piedpiper, an AI assistant that operates locally on your Mac. Join the waitlist now!

  4. Create personalized video content with Pipio's text-to-video platform. Choose from a diverse roster of realistic AI avatars and reach a global audience with multilingual capabilities. Customize and create professional video content without casting calls or tight budgets.

  5. With Vapi, developers can effortlessly create, test, and launch voicebots in a fraction of the time it would typically take.