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What is Process?

Process is an innovative AI product designed to streamline text content generation for project management. By leveraging cutting-edge AI models like OpenAI’s GPT-4 API, it empowers users to efficiently create tickets and tasks, enhancing productivity while seamlessly integrating with existing project management tools. With transparent AI usage pricing and flexible subscription options, Process offers a cost-effective solution for teams seeking to optimize their workflow.

Key Features:

  1. 🤖 Text Content Generation: Harness the power of AI to effortlessly generate text content for tickets and tasks, reducing manual effort and enhancing efficiency.

  2. 💲 Transparent Pricing: Benefit from straightforward AI usage pricing, where credits translate to cents, enabling cost-effective access to powerful AI capabilities.

  3. 🔄 Seamless Integration: Integrate with popular project management tools like Jira, ensuring smooth collaboration and compatibility with existing workflows.

Use Cases:

  1. Streamlining Workflow: Automate the creation of tickets and tasks using Process, freeing up valuable time for team members to focus on strategic initiatives.

  2. Cost-Efficient AI Usage: Manage AI expenses effectively with transparent pricing, allowing teams to optimize resource allocation and maximize productivity.

  3. Enhanced Collaboration: Seamlessly integrate Process with Jira and other project management tools, facilitating efficient communication and collaboration across teams.


Experience the transformative potential of Process in revolutionizing your project management workflow. With its advanced AI capabilities, transparent pricing model, and seamless integration with leading project management tools, Process empowers teams to achieve greater efficiency and collaboration. Join us today and unlock the power of AI-driven productivity!


  1. Does Process replace Jira or other project management software?No, Process complements existing project management tools by generating text content for tickets, which can then be exported into your preferred platform for planning and tracking progress.

  2. What AI models are used, and is my data used in training?Process utilizes OpenAI’s GPT-4 API for text generation, and user data is not used in training. Additionally, the team is working on a private in-house AI derived from proven open-source models, with no plans to train on user data.

  3. What project management tools does Process support?Currently, Process integrates with Jira, with plans to expand integration to other popular project management tools based on user feedback. If you have a specific tool in mind, let us know, and we'll prioritize its integration.

More information on Process

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Starting Price
$9.99 / month
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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Process was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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