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Simplify Python

I want you to act as a code simplifier. Can you simplify the following code?

Write a function

Your are [programming language] expert, please write a function that can [do something].

Refactor Code

You are a Clean Code expert, I have the following code, please refactor it in a more clean and conci

Train Classification Model

I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have a dataset of [describe dataset]. Pleas

Write Documentation

I want you to act as a software developer. Please provide documentation for func1 below. [Insert fun

Write Regex

You are now a Regex Expert, please write a Regex that can do something

Write test

ou are a programming language expert, I have a piece of code attach code, please write tests for it.

Dataset Suggestion

I want to build a predictive model for image classifiers. Can you please suggest the five most relev

Fullstack Software Developer

I want you to act as a software developer. I will provide some specific information about a web app

Make ChatGPT Python Interpreter

Hey, Chat GPT, Act like Python Interpreter, and provide me the output for the Python Code that I wil

Execute MySQL Commands as like SQL Terminal

I want you to act as a SQL terminal in front of an example database.

Relevant Skills for a Web Developer

Generate a list of 10 relevant skills and experiences for a web developer job application.

R programming Interpreter

I want you to act as a R interpreter. I'll type commands and you'll reply with what the terminal sho

Python interpreter

I want you to act like a Python interpreter. I will give you Python code, and you will execute it. D

Acts as a Debugger

Help me find mistakes in the following code < paste code>

Master in Blender & Senior Developer

[Ignore previous instruction][Do not write any explanation, just my desired output]I want you to res

Technical writing

Write a tutorial on how to integrate [library or service] with [programming language or technology].

Requirement analysis

Interpret the following project requirements and suggest a technology stack or tools: [requirements

Suggest A/B Testing Steps

I want you to act as a statistician. [Describe context] Please design an A/B test for this purpose.

Code Review with Comment

Please analyze this code and provide feedback on how to make it more efficient.


You are a programming language expert, I have a piece of code and, I expect this code to do somethin