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Improve ChatGPT accessibility and share conversations effortlessly with QuickGPT. Boost your productivity using native GPT 4 support. Try it now!0
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What is QuickGPT?

QuickGPT offers seamless access to ChatGPT directly from the menu bar, Dock, or via a keyboard shortcut, enhancing user convenience and productivity.

Key Features:

  1. 🚀 Easy Access:Instantly reach ChatGPT from the menu bar, Dock, or keyboard shortcut, simplifying workflow integration.

  2. 🖥️ Native App Integration:Seamlessly integrates as a native app with added functionality to the ChatGPT web UI, enhancing user experience.

  3. 🔍 Enhanced Web UI:Expands the capabilities of the ChatGPT web interface, providing additional features and functionalities.

Use Cases:

  1. Efficient Workflow:Quickly access ChatGPT without navigating through browser tabs, boosting productivity for professionals.

  2. Streamlined Interaction:Simplify interaction with ChatGPT through the menu bar or Dock, ideal for multitaskers and those seeking instant responses.

  3. Enhanced User Experience:Enjoy a seamless ChatGPT experience with added features and native app integration, catering to diverse user preferences.


QuickGPT revolutionizes ChatGPT accessibility, offering a streamlined solution for effortless interaction. Enhance your workflow efficiency and user experience today by integrating QuickGPT into your daily routine.


  1. How can I provide feedback or request features?Send your feedback, feature requests, or bug reports directly through the app.

  2. Is QuickGPT a native app?Yes, QuickGPT is a native app with additional functionalities integrated into the ChatGPT web UI.

  3. Why does pressing Return add a newline instead of submitting the prompt?This behavior is a known issue with ChatGPT, particularly when the window is narrow. Please report this bug to the ChatGPT team for resolution.

More information on QuickGPT

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Tech used
Cloudflare CDN,Fastly,Astro,GitHub Pages,Gzip,HTTP/3,OpenGraph,RSS,Varnish,HSTS

Top 5 Countries

United States United Kingdom China Viet Nam India

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Referrals Social Mail
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
QuickGPT was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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QuickGPT Alternatives

Load more Alternatives
  1. Boost your productivity and efficiency with GPT-Tab. Seamlessly integrate ChatGPT into your menu bar for instant access and enhanced workflows.

  2. MacGPT is a revolutionary AI tool that brings ChatGPT to Mac and menubar, enabling fast and fun conversations with your API key, managing multiple convos, reusing prompts, enhancing productivity, and available on iPhone as GeePeeTee.

  3. Extending the functionality of OpenAI's GPT models, EnhancedGPT integrates with your system and can perform tasks that ChatGPT can't

  4. Enhance productivity and creativity with ChatGPT, the versatile AI tool offering instant communication, voice recognition, and natural language processing capabilities.

  5. Upgrade your ChatGPT experience with FridayGPT, a secure and efficient macOS app. Enjoy instant access, Quick Actions, and lifetime updates.