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Quil, the AI-powered recruiting software that transforms hiring. Automate note-taking, get real-time interview tips, and integrate seamlessly with ATS.0
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What is Quil?

Quilis an AI-powered recruiting software designed to revolutionize the hiring process. Its core functionality revolves around automating note-taking during video, phone, and in-person interviews, seamlessly integrating with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to eliminate manual data entry. This tool is aimed at enhancing productivity and efficiency in recruitment, allowing recruiters to focus on engaging with candidates rather than on administrative tasks.

Key Features

  1. AI-Powered Note-Taking📝: Quil captures and organizes interview notes in real-time, ensuring no critical information is missed. Custom note categories can be set up for targeted information capture, syncing effortlessly with ATS.

  2. Real-Time Interview Suggestions💡: Quil provides AI-generated suggestions and tips during interviews to help recruiters ask the right questions, promoting unbiased and effective hiring practices.

  3. Seamless ATS Integration🔗: Quil integrates with a wide range of ATS platforms, including Greenhouse, Gem, Lever, Bullhorn, BambooHR, JazzHR, Jobvite, SmartRecruiters, Workable, Tracker CRM, Crelate, and Thrive TRM, automating the update process.

  4. Automated Scorecards📊: The software offers automated scorecards for tracking candidate performance, based on feedback gathered during interviews, aiding in the evaluation and selection process.

Use Cases

  1. Streamlining Interview Processes: For busy recruiters, Quil’s AI note-taking feature simplifies the interview process, allowing them to focus on candidate engagement rather than note-taking.

  2. Enhancing Interview Quality: By providing real-time suggestions, Quil ensures recruiters ask relevant and unbiased questions, leading to more effective and fair interviews.

  3. ATS Integration for Efficiency: Recruiters can save time and reduce errors by automating the update of their ATS, as Quil seamlessly syncs interview notes and data.


Quil stands out as a comprehensive AI recruiting tool that not only streamlines the hiring process but also enhances its quality. By automating routine tasks and providing intelligent insights, Quil empowers recruiters to focus on what truly matters: finding the right candidate. With its user-friendly interface and robust integration capabilities, Quil is an invaluable asset for any recruitment team looking to improve efficiency and reduce time-to-hire.

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Quil was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Quil Alternatives

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  1. AI-powered assistants for technical sales teams to 10x their productivity. Quilt automates RFPs, helps to prepare for demos, and answers technical questions.

  2. Quills.ai is an advanced chatbot designed to assist with data queries, database integration, and CSV file handling. It streamlines data-related tasks and provides valuable insights.

  3. Unleash the power of AI with Quixl.ai, the ultimate accelerator for any industry! Say goodbye to endless options and hello to curated, function-specific AI applications.

  4. Unlock the business intelligence you seek, swiftly and efficiently, through AI-facilitated interviews.

  5. Streamline recruitment with RecruitGenius.ai, an AI-powered platform that offers a suite of automated tools, GDPR compliance, and team collaboration.