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QUINETICS leverages TensorFlow for AI model development, focusing on trend analysis and prediction for different asset classes using comprehensive historical and cross-sectional data.0
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What is Quinetics?

Transform your investment strategies with QUINETICS, an AI trading software that offers access to a vast database of AI strategies for stocks, ETFs, and crypto. Tailor existing strategies or invent new ones, test their efficacy, and execute trades directly through your broker—all for free. Harness the power of advanced backtesting frameworks and trading bots fueled by machine learning, brought to you by a team of seasoned quants.

Key Features:

  1. AI Strategy Database: Discover a weekly-generated repository of trading strategies from AI models trained on vast financial data, catering to diverse portfolio needs.

  2. Advanced Backtesting: Refine strategies through a rapid backtesting environment, allowing adjustments to parameters, trading costs integration, and signal recognition.

  3. Direct Trading Interface: Connect directly to multiple brokers or exchanges to automate trading bots and never miss an AI-generated signal.

Use Cases:

  1. Automate trading decisions based on AI predictions to outperform the market.

  2. Customize AI trading bots to align with personal investment goals and risk tolerance.

  3. Optimize trading strategies by analyzing historical performance and real-time market data.


Elevate your trading game with QUINETICS, where AI meets precision in the financial markets. Join now for free and begin crafting and executing strategies that target your financial aspirations. Experience the future of trading today, guided by data-driven insights and powered by German engineering expertise.

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Quinetics was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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