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Rejoy in your All-in-one Family Organizer and AI Assistant. Shared Calendars, Tasks, Shopping, Notes0
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What is Rejoy?

Rejoy streamlines family organization, bringing peace and harmony to your household. It's a comprehensive family organizer that brings together calendars, tasks, notes, photos, meal planning, recipes, and a family assistant, all in one place. With Rejoy, you can effortlessly manage your family's schedule, plan meals, and access personalized advice on various family matters, creating a more organized and connected family life.

Key Features: 

  1. Family Calendar 📅: Keep track of everyone's schedules and activities in one shared calendar, helping you stay on top of appointments, events, and important dates.

  2. Meal Planning Made Easy 🍽️: Browse thousands of recipes, create weekly meal plans, and generate shopping lists with suggested stores. Simplify meal planning and save precious time and effort.

  3. Family Assistant at Your Fingertips 💡: Receive tailored advice on family activities, parenting, budget management, cooking, and more. Rejoy is your go-to resource for creating a happier and more organized family life.

Use Cases:

  • Working parents can use Rejoy to effortlessly plan family meals, manage schedules, and access parenting advice, ensuring a smooth household routine.

  • Families with multiple kids can use Rejoy to coordinate activities, track appointments, and share notes and photos, keeping everyone connected and organized.

  • Busy couples can use Rejoy to plan date nights, manage household chores, and seek guidance on budgeting and other family-related matters, fostering a harmonious relationship.


Rejoy is the ultimate family organizer, designed to bring peace and harmony to your household. Its intuitive interface, comprehensive features, and personalized advice make it a must-have tool for busy families juggling multiple commitments. With Rejoy, you can streamline your family life, make informed decisions, and create a stronger bond with your loved ones. Embrace Rejoy today and experience the transformative power of organization and connection.

More information on Rejoy

Pricing Model
Free Trial
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Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Framer,Google Fonts,Gzip,OpenGraph,HSTS

Top 5 Countries

United States Mexico United Kingdom Singapore

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Referrals
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Rejoy was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Rejoy Alternatives

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  1. Arrange is an AI-powered copilot that can generate a plan for anything and add it to your calendar in seconds.

  2. Shortlisting names for your baby girl or baby boy? Try Bundle of Joy. Built for busy parents, by a recent parent.

  3. Optimize productivity with Reclaim AI. Find the best time for meetings, tasks, habits, and breaks while preventing burnout. Try it now!

  4. Discover Morgen Calendar and Task Manager - the ultimate productivity tool. Integrate calendars, streamline scheduling, and optimize task management in one user-friendly platform. Take control of your time and achieve more with Morgen!

  5. Automatically plan tasks into your calendar, schedule meetings, and resolve conflicts with Smart Calendar. Now with a powerful AI assistant you can talk to.