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SET.DO researches, schedules and organizes tasks for you. Spend time doing, not planning.0
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What is SET.DO?

SET.DO is a groundbreaking AI-powered to-do list app designed to revolutionize the way you manage tasks. With its intelligent features, SET.DO not only helps you organize and schedule your tasks but also researches and generates subtasks, descriptions, and even estimates durations, ensuring you spend more time doing and less time planning. Whether you’re a busy professional or a project manager, SET.DO’s AI capabilities and user-friendly interface make it an indispensable tool for enhancing productivity and streamlining your workflow.

Key Features:

  1. 🌐 AI Research: SET.DO takes the hassle out of starting new tasks from scratch by gathering relevant resources and information.

  2. 🔍 Subtask Generation: Break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable subtasks with the help of AI.

  3. 📝 Description Generation: AI-generated descriptions provide clear summaries and elaborations for your tasks.

  4. 📅 Automatic Scheduling: SET.DO intelligently schedules your tasks, optimizing your time management.

  5. ⏱️ Duration Estimation: AI estimates the duration for each task, helping you plan your day more effectively.

  6. 🧹 Cleaning & Organization: Your task inbox is kept relevant and organized, thanks to SET.DO’s AI sorting capabilities.

More information on SET.DO

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$5 /month
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United States Zambia Singapore United Kingdom Australia

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
SET.DO was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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SET.DO Alternatives

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  1. An AI to-do app to help you prioritize your tasks,so you won’t have to.

  2. Stay organized and increase productivity with, the ultimate to-do list app. Easily manage projects, assign tasks, and track progress.

  3. Overcome procrastination with Todobee! Prioritize tasks intelligently, boost productivity with insights, and collaborate effortlessly. Perfect for individuals and small teams. Try now!

  4. Boost work productivity with ThinkTask, an AI-powered tool that automates task creation, provides analytics, and streamlines task management. Try now!

  5. Streamline task management with Magic ToDo, an AI-powered tool that offers cross-device synchronization and secure encryption. Boost productivity now!