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Snackz is a platform that lets you create and sell email courses and helps you monetise your audience across platforms like X, LinkedIn, Beehiiv and Substack. Build your brand, monetize your knowledge, and turn your audience into customers with Snackz.0
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What is Snackz?

Snackz is a platform that allows you to create and sell email courses, helping you monetize your audience across various platforms. With Snackz, you can build your brand, monetize your knowledge, and turn your audience into paying customers.

Key Features:

  1. 🛠️ AI-assisted Course Builder: Easily create email courses with the help of our AI assistant, which can draft course outlines, paragraphs, and improve text readability.

  2. 💲 Monetize Your Audience: Convert your followers into paying customers by setting a price for your email courses and distributing them across multiple platforms with a single click.

  3. 📧 Build Your Email List: Grow your email list of loyal fans by offering email courses and easily export the subscriber emails to platforms like Beehiiv or Substack.

Use Cases:

  1. 📚 Education and Training: Create email courses to share your knowledge, expertise, and inspiration with your audience, providing them with a comprehensive learning experience.

  2. 💼 Monetizing Expertise: Turn your audience into paying customers by offering valuable email courses that showcase your expertise and provide them with practical insights and advice.

  3. 📈 Audience Engagement: Use email courses as a way to deepen your relationship with your audience, offering them exclusive content and building a stronger connection through their opt-in email address.


Snackz is the ultimate platform for creators to monetize their audience and share their expertise through email courses. With AI-assisted course creation, easy distribution, and the ability to build your email list, Snackz empowers creators to turn their knowledge into revenue and strengthen their relationship with their audience. Join the waitlist today to get early access and unlock the full potential of Snackz.

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Snackz was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  4. Discover BlogHunch: the all-in-one platform for creators to sell digital products, host blogs, and manage newsletters. Monetize your content easily!

  5. Unlock the full potential of your business with Kajabi, the AI-powered tool that helps turn ideas into sellable products. Start your free trial today.