Tammy AI

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Discover Tammy AI, a B2C platform with powerful AI features for YouTube. Get condensed or comprehensive summaries, AI-generated questions, and more.0
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What is Tammy AI?

Tammy AI is an advanced B2C platform that offers a suite of AI-powered products for YouTube. One of its main features is the Basic Summary, which provides a condensed summary of YouTube videos, including chapters and key points. The Pro Summary is a more comprehensive version of the Basic Summary, offering extensive key points, emojis, timestamps, and more. It stands out from other summary products by striking a balance between short and long formats and allowing users to summarize videos as long as 5 hours. Tammy AI also offers the Chat QnA feature, which generates AI-generated questions for deeper video exploration, and the My Library feature for saving and organizing summaries.

Key Features:

1. Basic  Provides a condensed summary of YouTube videos with chapters and key points.

2. Pro  Offers a comprehensive summary with extensive key points, emojis, timestamps, and more. Summarizes videos up to 5 hours long.

3. Chat QnA: Generates AI-generated questions for deeper video exploration, with the option to play answers using video timestamps.

Use Cases: 

- Students can use Tammy AI to quickly summarize educational videos and save time.

- Professionals can utilize the Pro Summary feature to get a comprehensive overview of industry-related videos.

- Content creators can use the Chat QnA feature to generate questions for their audience and engage with them effectively.


Tammy AI is a powerful platform that empowers YouTube users with AI-powered summaries and chat features. With Basic Summary, Pro Summary, Chat QnA, and the My Library feature, users can save time, access key points easily, and engage with videos more effectively. Whether for educational purposes, professional use, or content creation, Tammy AI offers a range of practical and valuable features for YouTube users.

More information on Tammy AI

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Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Tammy AI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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