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Health API that enables you to integrate with wearables, such as Garmin, Fitbit, Apple, Google, Polar, Eight Sleep, Oura and Others through a single source0
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What is Terra?

Terra is an innovative Health API designed to simplify the integration of various health and fitness data sources into a single, structured platform. It caters to developers looking to build robust health applications by providing a comprehensive set of tools and features that facilitate the seamless collection and analysis of health data from multiple devices and services.

Key Features:

  1. 🌐 Multi-Source Data Integration: Terra supports data integration from a wide range of health and fitness devices like Garmin, Fitbit, and Oura, ensuring a holistic view of user health.

  2. 🛠️ Developer-Friendly Tools: With comprehensive documentation, debugging tools, and expert support, Terra is optimized for easy implementation and troubleshooting.

  3. 🚀 Quick Setup: Developers can start using Terra in seconds, thanks to its user-friendly setup process and extensive API support.

  4. 📊 Analytics and Insights: The platform offers advanced analytics capabilities, allowing developers to derive meaningful insights from the aggregated health data.

  5. 🤖 Odin AI Integration: Terra incorporates Odin AI, a powerful tool for generating workout plans and providing personalized health recommendations based on user data.

Use Cases:

  1. Fitness App Development: Developers can create fitness apps that sync with various wearables, providing users with a unified view of their health metrics.

  2. Health Data Analysis: Researchers and healthcare providers can use Terra to analyze health data from different sources, improving patient care and research outcomes.

  3. Personalized Health Coaching: By integrating Terra with AI tools like Odin, developers can offer personalized health and fitness coaching to users based on their unique data.


Terra stands out as a comprehensive Health API that empowers developers to build sophisticated health applications. Its ability to integrate data from multiple sources, coupled with powerful analytics and AI capabilities, makes it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to harness the power of health data. With its focus on security, compliance, and user-friendly interfaces, Terra is not just a technical solution but a partner in the journey towards better health and fitness applications.

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Terra was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. Seamlessly aggregate wearables data on your phone to track, analyze, and optimize your health. Tunum supports integrations with Apple Watch, Oura and GARMIN and provides you with actionable daily summaries, AI health coach and advanced analysis capabilities.

  2. Discover the power of OdinAI, a revolutionary tool for health app developers. Effortlessly integrate personalized recommendations and improve user engagement.

  3. Get a health check for yourself and your relatives. You can check your symptoms online 24/7 and find out possible causes.

  4. Fitbod’s AI builds and optimizes ultra-personalized workouts so you make progress in every training session.

  5. Eliminate hours wasted finding, cleaning, visualizing and transforming data using the power of AI.