Trag AI code reviews

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Trag is a AI code review tool which helps to make code review process faster and save senior engineers time by giving them already ai reviewed code.0
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What is Trag AI code reviews?

Trag is built to expedite the code review process, allowing engineering teams to ship products faster. By automating the review of pull requests, it ensures that developers can dedicate more time to building and less to manual code inspection.

Key Features

  1. Custom Rule Creation: Users can create their own patterns and rules, tailored to their specific coding standards and practices. This feature ensures that every code review aligns with the team’s unique requirements.

  2. Automated Pull Request Reviews: Trag automatically reviews pull requests against the defined rules, identifying potential issues before human review.

  3. AI-Powered Autofix: The tool uses AI to suggest fixes for failing rules, improving code quality and consistency.

  4. Cross-Repository Connectivity: It allows the connection of multiple repositories, consolidating the review process across various projects.

  5. Comprehensive Analytics: Trag provides analytics on pull requests, enabling teams to make data-driven decisions and monitor progress.

Use Cases

  • Code Quality Assurance: Ensuring adherence to coding standards and best practices.

  • Team Collaboration: Facilitating teamwork by allowing multiple team members to collaborate on code reviews.

  • Efficiency Improvement: Saving time by automating the initial code review, allowing developers to focus on core product development.

Target Audience

Trag is ideal for software development teams, particularly those looking to enhance their code review process, enforce coding standards, and increase overall development efficiency.

Getting Started

  1. Repository Connection: Users connect their GitHub account and link their repositories to Trag.

  2. Rule Writing: Custom rules are written using natural language, catering to specific coding standards.

  3. Pull Request Automation: Once a pull request is opened, Trag automatically checks it against the defined rules and suggests fixes.

Security and Privacy

  • SSL Encryption: Ensures all data is securely encrypted.

  • PR-Based Commits: Trag never commits changes directly, maintaining control with the development team.

  • Privacy-Focused: The tool does not use user code for development purposes, respecting user privacy.

Future Developments

Trag currently supports GitHub and is expected to integrate GitLab support within a few weeks, further expanding its utility across different platforms.


Trag stands out as a tool that not only automates the code review process but also empowers teams to define and enforce their coding standards. Its ease of setup, AI-driven autofix capabilities, and emphasis on security and privacy make it a valuable asset for any software development team aiming to enhance their productivity and code quality.

More information on Trag AI code reviews

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Updated Date: 2024-05-07
Trag AI code reviews was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. Maximize team collaboration and code quality with Pullflow, an AI-enhanced code review collaboration tool. Seamlessly integrate with GitHub and Slack for faster and more efficient code reviews. Trusted by startups and enterprises alike, experience the most delightful code review workflow with Pullflow.

  2. Optimize code review process with PullRequest - an AI-powered platform that detects security vulnerabilities, hidden bugs, and enhances code quality.

  3. CodeRabbit is an AI-powered platform that enhances code reviews. It offers developers detailed, line-by-line feedback, and features an interactive bot for engaging discussions. The platform seamlessly integrates with GitHub, enabling direct commits.

  4. Automate and enhance your code review process with CodeReviewBot.AI. Seamlessly integrate with GitHub for instant improvement suggestions and automated feedback. Say goodbye to manual code reviews and hello to a more efficient workflow.

  5. Automatically solve tickets, write tests and level up your development workflow with the power of GPT-4.