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Meet Underlord, an AI-powered editing assistant. Underlord's advanced AI features handle tedious video & podcast editing tasks, so you can stay in flow.0
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What is Underlord?

Underlord is not your typical AI overlord; it’s an AI Underlord, designed to take care of the tedious tasks in content creation while leaving you in full control. This editing assistant is equipped with a range of AI-powered tools that enhance clarity, improve audio quality, and streamline the editing process. Whether you’re a content creator, a podcaster, or anyone in need of efficient editing solutions, Underlord offers a suite of features to make your life easier.

Key Features

  1. 🧹 Edit for Clarity: Underlord automatically removes filler words and verbal clutter, ensuring your content is concise and engaging.

  2. 🎙️ Studio Sound: Enhance your audio quality with AI-driven tools that make you sound better than ever.

  3. 🎥 Center Active Speaker: Keep your focus on the speaker with automatic centering, perfect for social media clips.

  4. 🌐 Translate: Expand your reach with AI-powered translation, making your content accessible to a global audience.

  5. 📝 Write a Script: Get a head start on your projects with AI-generated scripts based on your input.

Use Cases

  1. Content Creators: Streamline video editing with tools like automatic multicam and eye contact correction, saving time and effort.

  2. Podcasters: Enhance audio quality and remove retakes, ensuring a professional sound without the need for a studio.

  3. Social Media Managers: Create engaging clips and draft social posts, leveraging AI insights to increase viral potential.


  • Free: Ideal for getting started with text-based editing, offering limited AI features and a taste of AI Speech.

  • Creator: Perfect for elevating projects with watermark-free exports and a broader range of AI tools.

  • Pro: The ultimate package for advanced AI-powered creativity, with unlimited use of the full AI suite and AI Speech.


Underlord is more than just an editing tool; it’s a partner in your creative journey. By taking care of the mundane tasks, it frees you to focus on what you do best: creating engaging, high-quality content. With Underlord by your side, you can let your creativity flow while the AI does the rest. Try it today and experience the difference an AI Underlord can make.

More information on Underlord

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$12 per person/month
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United States United Kingdom India Canada Brazil

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Underlord was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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