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Full-stack LLMops platform for all your production needs from Evaluation to Experimentation to Improvement0
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What is UpTrain?

UpTrain is a comprehensive Full-Stack LLMOps platform designed to cover all your LLMOps needs. With enterprise-grade tooling, it enables faster iteration and helps you stay ahead of competitors. Through diverse evaluations and over 20 predefined metrics, UpTrain facilitates faster and systematic experimentation, eliminating guesswork and manual review.

Key Features:

  1. 📊 Custom Metrics Definition: Easily define custom metrics within UpTrain's extendable framework, allowing tailored evaluations to meet your specific requirements.

  2. 🚀 Automated Regression Testing: UpTrain offers automated testing for every prompt-change, config-change, or code-change across a diverse test set. With prompt versioning, reverting changes is hassle-free, ensuring stability and reliability.

  3. 🔍 Root Cause Analysis: Beyond monitoring, UpTrain identifies error cases and detects common patterns among them. It provides root cause analysis, enabling faster improvements and better decision-making.

Use Cases:

  1. Enhanced Experimentation: UpTrain facilitates faster and more systematic experimentation by providing quantitative scores, enabling data-driven decision-making, and reducing manual review time.

  2. Streamlined Development Process: With automated regression testing and root cause analysis, UpTrain helps streamline the development process by identifying and addressing errors efficiently, leading to faster iterations and improved product quality.

  3. Data Enrichment for Testing: UpTrain enriches datasets for testing purposes by creating diverse test sets and capturing edge cases encountered in production. This ensures comprehensive testing coverage and helps enhance the reliability of machine learning models.


UpTrain stands out as a versatile platform offering advanced capabilities for LLMOps, from custom metrics definition to automated regression testing and root cause analysis. By empowering teams to iterate faster, make data-driven decisions, and enhance testing processes, UpTrain significantly boosts efficiency and competitiveness in AI development workflows.

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
UpTrain was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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