Use ChatGPT

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Enhance your writing, summarize content, and generate personalized replies with the Chrome extension. Boost productivity and communication.0
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What is Use ChatGPT?

The Chrome extension is a powerful tool that allows users to improve their writing, summarize content, and generate personalized replies with just one click. It can be used on any website and supports various AI providers. With its ability to work with any text, including local PDF files, and its support for multiple languages, the Chrome extension is a versatile and efficient tool for enhancing productivity and communication.

Key Features:

1. 1-Click AI Anywhere: Users can select any text on any website and instantly improve their writing, fix spelling and grammar errors, or change the tone with just one click. This feature saves time and ensures high-quality content.

2. Read Easier and Faster: By selecting any text on any website, users can summarize, explain, or translate the content in seconds. This feature is particularly useful for quickly understanding and digesting information.

3. Reply to Any Text in Seconds: Users can select any text on any website and generate effective and personalized replies with just one click. This feature streamlines communication and allows for quick and efficient responses.

Use Cases:

- Content Creation: Writers and content creators can use the Chrome extension to improve their writing, fix errors, and enhance the overall quality of their content. It saves time and ensures that the content is polished and error-free.

- Research and Reading: Researchers and avid readers can benefit from the summarization and translation features of the Chrome extension. It allows them to quickly understand and extract key information from various sources, making their research and reading more efficient.

- Communication and Customer Support: The ability to generate personalized replies in seconds makes the Chrome extension a valuable tool for communication and customer support. It enables quick and effective responses, enhancing customer satisfaction and streamlining communication processes.


The Chrome extension is a versatile and efficient tool that empowers users to improve their writing, summarize content, and generate personalized replies with just one click. With its wide range of features and support for various AI providers, it enhances productivity, communication, and overall efficiency. Whether it's for content creation, research, or communication purposes, the Chrome extension is a valuable asset for individuals and businesses alike.

More information on Use ChatGPT

Pricing Model
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Tech used
Amazon AWS CloudFront,Next.js,Emotion,Gzip,OpenGraph,Webpack,Amazon AWS S3,YouTube

Top 5 Countries

United States Brazil China India Korea, Republic of

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Referrals Social Mail Paid Referrals
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Use ChatGPT was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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