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Detect AI-crafted visuals with our cutting-edge software. Analyze metadata, identify anomalies, and spot lighting inconsistencies. Ensure visual authenticity.0
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What is WasItAI?

In the era of AI-generated imagery, distinguishing between real and fake photos is crucial. Our software employs cutting-edge techniques to detect AI-crafted visuals by analyzing metadata, identifying pixel anomalies, spotting lighting inconsistencies, and leveraging pattern recognition. 🔎

Key Features:

  1. 📸 Metadata Inspector:

  • Uncovers hidden clues in metadata, such as missing camera information and timestamps, revealing the digital fingerprints of AI-generated images.

  1. 🔊 Pixel Anomaly Detector:

  • Exposes unusual noise patterns and artifacts, acting as red flags for AI-generated images.

  1. ☀️ Lighting Consistency Analyzer:

  • Identifies irregularities in lighting, shadows, and reflections, exposing the discrepancies in AI-generated imagery.

Use Cases:

  1. 📰 Journalism:

  • Verifying the authenticity of images submitted to news organizations, ensuring the integrity of visual content.

  1. 🛒 E-commerce:

  • Detecting AI-generated product images used by fraudulent sellers, protecting consumers from misleading visuals.

  1. 🎨 Art and Photography:

  • Identifying AI-generated art in online galleries, helping curators distinguish between human-made and AI-created works.


Our software empowers users to navigate the world of AI-generated imagery with confidence. By harnessing the power of technology, we aim to ensure the trustworthiness and authenticity of visual content, revolutionizing the way images are perceived and utilized. 

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
WasItAI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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WasItAI Alternatives

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  1. Use our AI Image Detector tool to determine whether an image has been generated by an artificial intelligence model or is authentic.

  2. Upload your images to our AI Image Detector and discover whether they were created by artificial intelligence or humans.

  3. Fake Image Detector, a powerful tool for detecting manipulated images using advanced techniques like Metadata Analysis and ELA Analysis.

  4. Leading AI detector with 100k+ users, AI or Not checks for AI generated content in images, audio, KYC identity documents and more.

  5. Create stunning images, videos, music, and text effortlessly with Ai Art Generator. Transform written articles with AI and unleash your creativity.