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ad:personam Self Serve DSP elevates your advertising with AI. Effortlessly launch, manage, and optimize programmatic advertising campaigns using advanced tools like Insights CoPilot and AI Assistant Planner. No minimum ad spend required.0
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What is ad:personam?

In the ever-evolving world of digital advertising, where efficiency and precision are key, ad:personam emerges as a beacon of innovation. This AI-driven Self Serve DSP (Demand Side Platform) is redefining how businesses, both big and small, approach programmatic advertising. Built on the robust foundation of Microsoft Invest DSP technology, ad:personam offers a powerful, yet user-friendly platform that simplifies the complexities of programmatic advertising, making it accessible to web agencies and small businesses alike.

Key Features

  1. All-in-One Campaign Management: From creation to optimization, ad:personam’s intuitive campaign manager handles it all. With support for various ad formats including banners, images, HTML5, video, and native ads, it empowers you to deliver multi-channel campaigns with ease.

  2. AI-Driven Insights and Planning: Leveraging advanced AI tools, ad:personam turns complex data into actionable insights. Its innovative features like Insights CoPilot and AI Assistant Planner enable smarter, data-driven decision-making, enhancing campaign efficiency and effectiveness.

  3. Extensive Data Marketplace: With access to a vast Data Marketplace, ad:personam offers advanced targeting options including cookieless targeting and contextual targeting. This ensures that your ads reach the right audience, in the right context, enhancing engagement and ROI.

  4. Premium Inventory Access: Through top-tier Supply Inventory Partners integrations, ad:personam provides extensive access to premium inventory and curated deals. This ensures your ads are displayed on high-quality sites, reaching valuable audiences.

  5. Flexible Pricing Model: ad:personam adopts a transparent and flexible SaaS model, eliminating the need for a minimum ad spend. This makes it an affordable and scalable option for businesses of all sizes.

Use Cases

  1. Small Business Owner: A local bakery uses ad:personam to target customers in its neighborhood, boosting foot traffic and sales through targeted display ads.

  2. Web Agency: An agency leverages ad:personam’s AI features to optimize client campaigns, achieving higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

  3. Media Buyer: A media buyer utilizes ad:personam’s extensive Data Marketplace to execute targeted video ad campaigns, reaching a broader audience and maximizing ROI.


ad:personam is more than just a Self Serve DSP; it’s a partner in your advertising journey. With its AI-powered features, extensive inventory access, and user-friendly interface, it empowers businesses to take control of their advertising destiny. Whether you’re a small business owner, a web agency, or a media buyer, ad:personam offers the tools and flexibility to achieve your marketing goals. Embrace the future of programmatic advertising with ad:personam – where efficiency meets effectiveness.

More information on ad:personam

Pricing Model
Starting Price
€149 per month
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United States Spain India Germany Thailand

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Direct Search
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
ad:personam was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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