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Find, contact, and close your ideal buyers with over 265M contacts and streamlined engagement workflows powered by AI.0
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What is Apollo?

Apollo is an AI-powered software that helps users find, contact, and close deals with their ideal buyers. With a database of over 265 million contacts, Apollo offers sales intelligence, lead scoring, and a Chrome extension for easy access. It also provides sales engagement features like email sequences, meeting booking, and AI-powered messaging. Additionally, Apollo offers conversation and deal intelligence, analytics, and coaching to help users close deals faster. The software also offers data enrichment services to keep CRM data up-to-date and actionable. Apollo is highly rated and trusted by over 1 million users and 16,000 sales teams.

Key Features:

1. Sales Intelligence: Apollo's database of over 265 million contacts ensures users have access to accurate and rich buyer data. This allows users to find and prioritize high-value leads and companies using AI-powered lead scoring.

2. Sales Engagement: Apollo provides a seamless platform for connecting with ideal buyers. Users can use email sequences, call, and connect on LinkedIn, all supported by Apollo's leading sales AI. This helps users be where their prospects are and engage with them effectively.

3. Conversation and Deal Intelligence: Apollo offers conversation intelligence to turn conversations into closed deals. It also provides deal intelligence to bring more deals across the finish line. These features empower users with actionable insights and help them excel in pipeline execution.

Use Cases:

- Sales Teams: Apollo is ideal for sales teams looking to find and close deals with their ideal buyers. The software's lead database, sales engagement features, and conversation intelligence help sales teams streamline their processes and achieve better results.

- CRM Management: Apollo's data enrichment services ensure CRM data is up-to-date and accurate. This is valuable for any business looking to maintain a trustworthy CRM and leverage data-driven insights.

- Sales Coaching: Apollo's coaching feature helps sales teams unlock stellar performance and results. It provides tailored coaching based on conversation and deal intelligence, empowering sales teams to improve their skills and close deals faster.

Apollo is a highly effective AI-powered software that helps users find, contact, and close deals with their ideal buyers. With its extensive lead database, sales intelligence, engagement features, and data enrichment services, Apollo offers a comprehensive solution for sales teams. The software's high ratings and large user base are a testament to its effectiveness. Whether you are looking to streamline your sales processes, improve CRM management, or enhance sales coaching, Apollo is the solution for you.

More information on Apollo

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
Global Rank
United States
Month Visit
Tech used
Cloudflare CDN,Next.js,Google Cloud Platform,Netlify,Emotion,Gzip,OpenGraph,Webpack,HSTS

Top 5 Countries

United States India United Kingdom Canada Australia

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Social Referrals Mail Paid Referrals
Updated Date: 2024-04-30
Apollo was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  2. Revolutionize lead gen with Luna.ai. Access millions of contacts, generate perfect emails effortlessly, and benefit from AI capabilities.

  3. Write hyper-personalized cold emails quickly and effectively with ezsales.ai. Analyze prospects, generate content, find leads, and save time with AI.

  4. KalendarAI's sales agents generate revenue on autopilot by reaching your potential customers and booking meetings through autonomous live chat sessions from 200+ million companies globally

  5. Revolutionize B2B sales with B2B Rocket's AI agents. Customize, launch, and engage with prospects autonomously. Trusted by high-performing teams.