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What is Atwork?

Atwork is a game-changing workplace management platform designed to elevate your business productivity through seamless task automation, customer relationship management, and AI-driven decision-making. With a user-centric interface requiring no training, Atwork allows teams to assign tasks, centralize data, collaborate effectively, and gain valuable insights effortlessly. Integrating task management, CRM, AI assistance, and flexible workflow automation, it's the all-in-one solution to streamline operations and enhance workplace efficiency.

Key Features:

  1. 📝 Task Management

    • Assign, track, and visualize tasks with ease across various views, streamlining project workflows akin to Jira, Trello, or alternatives.

  2. 🤝 Customer Management

    • Boost engagement with a tailored CRM, deepening connections and enhancing customer experiences.

  3. 🏢 Workplace Management

    • Centralize workspace data, facilitate teamwork, and boost collaboration efficiency.

  4. 💬 AI Assistant

    • Make informed decisions via AI chat, automate repetitive tasks, and gather data intelligently.

  5. 📊 Data Handling

    • Manage versatile data types effortlessly with pro-grade database creation tools.

  6. 🔀 View Flexibility

    • Enjoy diverse display modes: tables, boards, Gantt charts, dashboards, and more.

  7. 📋 Form Builder

    • Rapidly create forms for seamless team or client data collection.

  8. 🔄 Workflow Automation

    • Set up automatic workflows powered by intuitive triggers and actions.

Use Cases:

  1. A startup uses Atwork to organize projects, assigning tasks automatically based on team members' strengths, resulting in a 30% increase in productivity.

  2. A co-working space leverages Atwork's smart sheets and spaces to manage bookings, streamline member communication, and foster a collaborative community atmosphere.

  3. A sales team employs the integrated CRM to track leads, automate follow-ups, and close deals faster, leading to a 25% boost in conversion rates.


Transform your work ecosystem today with Atwork's intuitive platform, where efficiency meets intelligence. Start your journey to a smarter business with our free plan, scalable as your team grows. Don't just manage—excel with Atwork. Begin your transformation now and witness first-hand how our blend of simplicity and innovation can elevate your workflow to unprecedented heights. Experience the future of work management today.

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Starting Price
€14.00 / Per User / Month
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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Atwork was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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