B12 AI Websites Plugin

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B12 is the easiest AI website builder to help businesses attract, win, and serve clients online.0
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What is B12 AI Websites Plugin?


B12 is an AI website builder that helps businesses attract, win, and serve clients online. It automatically creates websites with essential tools such as invoicing, scheduling, documents and eSignatures, and email marketing. With B12, businesses can save time and easily customize their online presence using the user-friendly B12 Editor or seek help from experts. The AI-powered platform drafts industry-specific websites in seconds, allowing businesses to focus on running their operations. B12 also offers sleek contact forms, online appointment scheduling, invoicing, and email marketing tools to enhance client engagement. Additionally, B12 ensures seamless business operations with integrated contact management, email marketing, and contracts with eSignatures. The platform also enables businesses to generate marketing email drafts, automate payments with recurring invoices, and create professional websites that leave a lasting impression.

Key Features:

1. Instant Website Generation: B12's AI sets up complete websites within seconds, including text, images, and client-facing tools.

2. AI-Generated Content: B12's AI can generate drafts of new website content, blog posts, and email campaigns in seconds, bringing ideas to life effortlessly.

3. Customization and Expert Help: Users can easily customize their online presence using the user-friendly B12 Editor or seek assistance from design and copywriting experts.

Use Cases:

1. Small Business Owners: B12 is ideal for small business owners who want to establish a professional online presence without spending excessive time or resources. The AI-powered platform allows them to quickly create a website that attracts and engages clients.

2. Service-Based Businesses: B12's contact forms, appointment scheduling, and invoicing tools are valuable for service-based businesses such as consultants, freelancers, and agencies. These features streamline client engagement and payment processes.

3. Online Retailers: E-commerce businesses can benefit from B12's AI-generated content and professional web design. The platform enables them to create visually appealing websites that showcase their products effectively, attracting and converting more customers.

With B12, businesses can easily create professional websites that effectively attract, win, and serve clients online. The AI-powered platform saves time by automating various tasks, such as drafting content and sending emails and invoices. Additionally, B12 offers customization options and expert assistance, ensuring that businesses can create a unique online presence. Whether it's small business owners, service-based businesses, or online retailers, B12 provides the essential tools and features to elevate their online presence and drive business growth.

More information on B12 AI Websites Plugin

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$49 / month
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Snowplow Analytics,Amazon AWS CloudFront,Netlify,Emotion,Gzip,JSON Schema,OpenGraph,Progressive Web App,Webpack,HSTS

Top 5 Countries

United States India France Canada United Kingdom

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Referrals Social Mail Paid Referrals
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
B12 AI Websites Plugin was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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