Background Removal API

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Transform your images with our Background Removal API! Enjoy precise foreground segmentation, transparent background options, and realistic shadow effects. Ideal for image editing apps, social media, e-commerce, and digital content creation.0
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What is Background Removal API?

Background Removal API provides image analysis for foreground segmentation and background removal. It calculates a potential foreground object/area, segments it out and removes every other pixel.

You can use it in your image processing apps, quickly make collages with it, apply it to social media apps and more. The API is built on a completely cloud technology stack which provides full operability, scalability and stable uptime. 

Key Features

• Removes background from images.

• Returns coordinates of bounding boxes of a foreground object.

• Returns an image of a foreground object over a transparent background or black & white mask.

• Optionally adds a realistic shadow.

• Optionally blends results with a new background image.

• Supports two alternative ways to pass images: as a binary file or via url to a public resource.

Application Scenarios

  1. Image Editing Apps: This API can be integrated into image editing software, providing users with an easy way to remove backgrounds from their photos for further editing.

  2. Social Media Enhancements: Social media platforms can utilize this API to offer background removal features to users, enhancing profile pictures or story posts.

  3. E-commerce Product Photography: E-commerce sites can use this API to quickly edit product photos, removing backgrounds for a more professional and consistent look.

  4. Digital Content Creation: Content creators can use the API to create engaging images for blogs, websites, or digital marketing materials with custom backgrounds.

  5. Collage Making: The API simplifies the process of making collages by allowing users to isolate objects or people from their backgrounds, making collage creation more versatile and creative.


The Background Removal API stands out as a powerful and versatile tool for foreground segmentation and background removal. Its robust cloud-based architecture ensures reliability and scalability, making it an ideal choice for various applications in the realm of image processing and digital content creation. Whether it’s for professional image editing, enhancing social media profiles, or creating engaging digital content, this API offers a seamless and efficient solution.

More information on Background Removal API

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$69.99 / mo
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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Background Removal API was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  2. Remove image backgrounds instantly with Removal.AI. Create transparent or customized backgrounds with advanced AI technology. Try it now!

  3. Remove backgrounds from images effortlessly with AI Image Background Remover. Get clean, transparent images in seconds. Try it for free!

  4. Power up your image editing with - an online tool that uses AI to remove backgrounds in seconds. Perfect for e-commerce and design projects.

  5. Automatically erase backgrounds and highlight the subject of your images in a few simple steps. Quick, easy and professional results!