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A set-and-forget solution that has scheduled over 1,343,960 social media posts for the smartest marketers.0
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What is Bulkly?

Bulkly is a social media scheduling tool that allows users to schedule and automate social media updates. It has been highly praised by users for its ease of use and time-saving capabilities. With Bulkly, users can create and organize hundreds of social media updates, automate posting, and recycle updates for continuous posting. The tool also offers additional features such as bulk uploading, content creation, and the ability to schedule videos. Bulkly is suitable for solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, in-house teams, and agencies, providing flexibility and efficiency in social media scheduling.

Key Features:

1. Easy Content Creation: Bulkly offers multiple ways to create content, allowing users to easily generate hundreds of social media updates with just a few clicks. Users can import blog posts from RSS feeds, use AI to generate additional update ideas, and automatically delete old updates to keep content fresh.

2. Bulk Upload Capabilities: Users can save time by uploading thousands of status updates through a CSV file. They can also curate content from favorite RSS feeds or import previously shared updates from Buffer or Hootsuite.

3. Social Media Automation: Bulkly enables users to automate social media posts without appearing robotic. Users can schedule updates as frequently or infrequently as desired, leverage filters to prevent repetitive posting, and randomize the order of updates for a natural appearance.

Use Cases:

- Solopreneurs & Entrepreneurs: Bulkly simplifies social media scheduling, allowing users to create and scale their efforts as their businesses grow.

- In-house Teams: The tool helps in-house teams save time by automating evergreen status updates and streamlining social media management.

- Agencies: Bulkly makes it easy for agencies to manage social media scheduling for multiple brands, clients, or businesses, resulting in significant time savings.

Bulkly is a highly efficient social media scheduling tool that offers a range of features to simplify the process of creating, organizing, and automating social media updates. With its user-friendly interface and time-saving capabilities, Bulkly has garnered positive reviews from users. Whether you are a solopreneur, entrepreneur, in-house team, or agency, Bulkly provides the flexibility and efficiency needed to enhance your social media presence. Say goodbye to manual scheduling and hello to streamlined social media automation with Bulkly.

More information on Bulkly

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$ 19 /Month
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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Bulkly was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Bulkly Alternatives

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  1. Businesses and agencies leverage Postly’s automated social media management tools to design and publish social media campaigns at scale.

  2. All in one platform to create, schedule, and analyze content on X and LinkedIn. Join the content creators who leveled up the content game with Postlyy.

  3. Manage your social media content easily with Pallyy, an affordable and powerful tool trusted by brands worldwide. Plan, schedule, and analyze effortlessly.

  4. Robopost is a simple, easy-to-use tool that helps freelancers, entrepreneurs, small businesses and social media teams create, schedule, publish and automate content daily.

  5. SocialBu is the perfect solution to improve your social media presence and maximize your results.