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What is Clipwing?

Clipwing is an AI-powered tool that transcribes videos and adds engaging subtitles to highlight the most interesting parts. It is ideal for various types of videos, such as podcasts, interviews, and educational lectures. With features like Magic Crop, it can also convert videos between different formats. Clipwing offers a free plan with limited minutes per month and is best used on Google Chrome.

Key Features:

1. AI Transcription: Clipwing uses AI to transcribe videos, making it easier to find and select specific parts.

2. Catchy Subtitles: The tool adds dynamic subtitles to enhance the video's engagement and appeal.

3. Magic Crop: Clipwing can convert videos between landscape, portrait, square, and other formats, allowing for versatile content creation.

Use Cases:

1. Marketing Videos: Clipwing helps create short clips with engaging subtitles, making them perfect for social media marketing and attracting more views.

2. Educational Content: Teachers and educators can use Clipwing to transcribe and subtitle their lectures, making them more accessible and engaging for students.

3. Social Media Content: Clipwing enables users to convert videos into different formats, making them suitable for platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Reels, and Shorts.


Clipwing is a powerful AI tool that simplifies video transcription and enhances content engagement with catchy subtitles. Its Magic Crop feature allows for easy video format conversion, making it versatile for various platforms. Whether you're a marketer, educator, or content creator, Clipwing can help you create captivating videos that resonate with your audience. Try it for free and unlock the potential of your video content.

More information on Clipwing

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$29.99 /month
Global Rank
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Top 5 Countries

Turkey United States Indonesia Georgia France

Traffic Sources

Social Direct Referrals Search
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Clipwing was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Clipwing Alternatives

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  1. Create and repurpose social media content quickly with Hipclip. Transcribe, edit, resize, and publish with AI-powered features, saving you time.

  2. Turn your long videos into viral clips with qlip, an AI-powered tool. Add subtitles, customize, and share easily on TikTok and YouTube.

  3. We're building more AI powered video creation tools to help you and your team create faster.

  4. ClipGen automatically repurposes your podcast into short-form clips in one click, designed to expand your reach across all social platforms.

  5. ClipMaker: Grow your presence on TikTok and Instagram with AI-powered software. Generate clips, use templates, add subtitles, and schedule posts effortlessly. Boost social media growth.