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Get AI-powered global market sentiment analysis software that is simple to use & analyses thousands of data points to provide you with the information you require.0
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What is Ellisense?

ElliSense, powered by artificial intelligence, provides real-time market sentiment analysis for various assets, including currencies, cryptocurrencies, and stocks. This user-friendly application helps traders make informed decisions by quickly gauging market sentiment, making complex trading choices easier and faster.

Key Features:

1️⃣ 🤖 Artificial Intelligence: ElliSense utilizes AI to analyze thousands of data points per second, delivering accurate market sentiment insights.

2️⃣ 📊 Clear Market Insights: Users can easily understand the current market sentiment for selected assets or pairs, ensuring informed trading decisions.

3️⃣ 🌐 Data Sources: ElliSense aggregates information from diverse sources, including social media and news outlets, to provide comprehensive and reliable sentiment analysis.

Use Cases:

  1. 📈 Smart Trading: Traders can rely on ElliSense's real-time sentiment analysis to make intelligent decisions in fast-paced markets, such as forex and cryptocurrencies.

  2. 💼 Financial Institutions: Top financial institutions and traders integrate ElliSense to gain an edge in the competitive financial world.

  3. 📊 Historical Analysis: Users can access advanced charting for historical sentiment data, aiding in understanding market trends and mood over time.


ElliSense empowers traders with up-to-the-minute market sentiment analysis through AI, ensuring they stay ahead in dynamic markets. Its integration with leading financial platforms and the availability of historical sentiment data make it a valuable tool for informed decision-making. ElliSense offers these benefits free of charge, making it a must-have for traders seeking an edge in their financial endeavors.

More information on Ellisense

Pricing Model
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Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Facebook Pixel,Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Hotjar,Google Fonts,Express,Emotion,JSON Schema,Progressive Web App

Top 5 Countries

India Malaysia Brazil

Traffic Sources

Referrals Search
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Ellisense was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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