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We use AI to find the best place to eat near you, wherever you are. FindAMeal combines the data of multiple food review providers and your personal preferences to find new restaurants and cafes for you.0
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What is FindAMeal?

FindAMeal is a revolutionary AI-powered restaurant search engine that simplifies the process of discovering dining establishments. By aggregating data from various food review providers like Google, Yelp, and Foursquare, along with social media insights, FindAMeal offers personalized recommendations tailored to users’ preferences and locations. Whether you’re looking for a cozy pizza place with a lake view, a rooftop bar for drinks with friends, or a romantic spot for date night, FindAMeal’s AI interprets your queries to suggest the perfect venue.

Key Features:

  1. 🍕 AI-Powered Search: FindAMeal uses advanced AI to understand and interpret any type of restaurant query, offering tailored suggestions.

  2. 🌍 Location-Aware Recommendations: The app provides recommendations based on your current location, ensuring you find the best places to eat nearby.

  3. 📊 Aggregated Data: By combining data from multiple sources, FindAMeal offers comprehensive and reliable restaurant recommendations.

  4. 🤝 Shareable Suggestions: Users can easily share restaurant recommendations with friends, making planning outings and gatherings a breeze.

  5. 📱 Mobile App: The FindAMeal experience is accessible through a user-friendly mobile app, available for download on Google Play.

Use Cases:

  1. “Find me the best pizza with a view in town” - Discovering a cozy pizzeria with a charming lake view for a relaxed dinner.

  2. “Looking for a rooftop bar with live music for drinks with friends” - Locating a vibrant rooftop venue for an evening of socializing and entertainment.

  3. “Suggest a romantic restaurant for a date night” - Finding a intimate dining establishment with a romantic ambiance, perfect for a special evening.


FindAMeal transforms the way you discover restaurants, making the process not just easier but also more enjoyable. With its AI-driven search and aggregation of extensive data from reputable sources, FindAMeal ensures that you find the perfect place to eat, whatever the occasion. Download the FindAMeal app today and start exploring the world of dining with the power of AI at your fingertips.

More information on FindAMeal

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Top 5 Countries

India Spain Germany Taiwan, Province of China Poland

Traffic Sources

Referrals Search
Updated Date: 2024-06-25
FindAMeal was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  3. MealProAI - your ultimate AI-powered meal planning partner! Tailored to your taste, budget, and health goals, our app simplifies meal prep with personalized plans. Ideal for busy bees, health nuts, and food lovers. Streamline your meal journey today!

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  5. cookAIfood is an artificial intelligence (AI) powered platform that enables users to create, share and discover amazing AI-generated food recipes