Klu - Internal search powered by AI

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Your own Google. Connect apps like Slack, Notion, and Google Drive. Find files or chat with your data instantly. Need updates or answers? Just ask Klu and work like Flash!0
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What is Klu - Internal search powered by AI?

Empower your productivity with Klu, your second brain in the digital realm. Seamlessly unify data across your work apps, harnessing the power of smart search and AI chat to instantly access, analyze, and share information, all while prioritizing security and collaboration.

Key Features:

  1. 🧠 Smart Search: Instantly find attachments in Gmail, messages in Slack, or files in Drive with Klu's AI-powered search, eliminating the hassle of navigating multiple platforms.

  2. 💬 AI Chat: Engage in dynamic conversations with your data, extracting insights effortlessly and boosting workflow efficiency.

  3. 🔄 Seamless Integration: Connect your favorite apps like Notion, Slack, Google Drive, and more, streamlining your workflow and enhancing collaboration.

  4. 🔒 Secure Data Handling: Rest assured with encrypted data transfers and SOC2 certification, ensuring the utmost privacy and protection for your valuable information.

Use Cases:

  1. Unified Data Access: Easily retrieve crucial information like Q2 marketing budgets across various platforms, saving time and streamlining decision-making processes.

  2. Efficient Collaboration: Simplify team communication and knowledge sharing by seamlessly searching and discussing content from different apps within Klu's unified interface.

  3. Enhanced Productivity: Empower content creators, project managers, and enterprise teams to effortlessly locate and utilize essential resources scattered across diverse platforms, boosting overall productivity and efficiency.


Experience the transformative potential of Klu as your go-to solution for seamless data management and collaboration. Join the ranks of satisfied users who have embraced Klu's intuitive interface and powerful features to revolutionize their workflow. Embrace the future of work with Klu, where accessibility, security, and efficiency converge.

More information on Klu - Internal search powered by AI

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Tech used
Webflow,Amazon AWS CloudFront,Cloudflare CDN,JSDelivr,unpkg,Google Fonts,jQuery,Gzip,HTTP/3,OpenGraph

Top 5 Countries

United States Turkey India Viet Nam Russian Federation

Traffic Sources

Direct Social Referrals Search
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Klu - Internal search powered by AI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. Klu - The AI-powered tool that connects multiple Gmail accounts, unifies emails, and provides instant email summarization. Boost productivity now!

  2. AI-powered Prompts, Chats, and Workflows for your business.All-in-one LLM App Platform to engineer and optimize generative actions.

  3. Unlock instant knowledge access with Guru AI. Seamlessly integrate with your favorite apps like Slack, Google, and Salesforce. Say goodbye to scattered docs. Try Guru now!

  4. Revolutionize your workplace with Unleash.so’s AI-powered search. Streamline knowledge management, boost collaboration, and enhance productivity.

  5. Boost your team's efficiency and collaboration with our intelligent AI Assistant, seamlessly integrated with Slack, Teams and Gmail.