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Maximize Subscription Revenue with Dunning & Payment optimization AI0
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What is FlyCode?

FlyCode, an AI-powered tool designed to recover failed payments and mitigate involuntary churn for SaaS and B2C subscription businesses. By leveraging machine learning and smart payment retries, FlyCode aims to boost annual recurring revenue (ARR) growth by optimizing payment processes and enhancing customer retention.

Key Features:

  1. 🪄 Automated Payment Recovery: FlyCode utilizes machine learning algorithms to automatically recover failed subscription payments, reducing passive churn and maximizing revenue.

  2. ✨ Payment Optimization: Employing AI-based payment optimization techniques, FlyCode identifies the optimal time to charge customers, improving transaction success rates and enhancing overall revenue streams.

  3. ⚡️ Enhanced Customer Experience: FlyCode synchronizes payment retries with customer communications via emails or SMS, ensuring a seamless experience and fostering customer loyalty.

Use Cases:

  1. E-commerce Platform: FlyCode assists an e-commerce platform in recovering revenue lost due to payment failures caused by factors like expired cards or insufficient funds, ultimately boosting the platform's ARR.

  2. Subscription-based Service: A software-as-a-service (SaaS) company utilizes FlyCode's machine learning capabilities to automatically retry failed payments at strategic times, reducing churn and increasing customer lifetime value.

  3. Mobile App Developer: FlyCode integrates with a mobile app developer's platform, optimizing payment processes and enhancing user experience by synchronizing payment retries with personalized customer communications.


FlyCode offers a sophisticated solution to combat involuntary churn and recover lost revenue for subscription businesses. By automating payment recovery, optimizing transaction timing, and prioritizing customer experience, FlyCode empowers businesses to maximize ARR growth and cultivate long-term customer relationships. Explore FlyCode today to unlock your subscription business's full revenue potential.

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Updated Date: 2024-06-25
FlyCode was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. transforms containers into micro-VMs that run on our hardware in 30+ regions on six continents.*

  2. Subbly is an all-in-one commerce platform allowing you to launch, run, and grow any subscription business model.

  3. FinFloh is an accounts receivable software for CFOs & finance teams to automate collection follow-ups, cash application, cash forecasting & invoice management with the power of AI-driven customer workflows.

  4. Shield your app from payment fraud with greip AI. Real-time detection, machine learning algorithms, and detailed analytics. Secure your transactions.

  5. Streamline your business operations with Flyx, a cutting-edge tool that eliminates complex coding and saves time. Effortlessly track customers, send emails, perform analytics, and more.