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AIFormX: Convert physical documents into structured digital data with our powerful AI tool. Pre-configured models, easy API integration, and more. Get started now!0
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What is

AIFormX is an AI-powered data extraction tool that converts physical documents into structured digital data. It offers pre-configured data extraction models, effortless API integration, a user-friendly web portal, and the ability to scan documents using a mobile phone.

Key Features:

1. Pre-configured Data Extraction Models: AIFormX includes preconfigured models for extracting data from general shopping receipts, identity cards, and official licenses. Users can extract data with just a click.

2. Effortless API Integration: AIFormX's data extraction is API-based, allowing for easy integration with any software. Results are returned in JSON format, making it business- and developer-friendly.

3. User-friendly Web Portal: AIFormX provides an intuitive web portal where users can manage parsing configurations, test data extractions, and access integration materials. It can be used with little to no coding knowledge.

Use Cases:

1. Automate Invoice Data Extraction: AIFormX can be used to automatically extract data from invoices using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and machine learning. This saves time and reduces errors in manual data entry.

2. Streamline Loyalty Programs: Companies like Wilson Parking can use AIFormX to automate the process of submitting and scanning shopping receipts for their customer loyalty programs. The tool extracts relevant information such as total amount and date, making it easier to process and redeem loyalty points.

3. Simplify Membership Registration: Organizations like Link REIT can utilize AIFormX to collect information from vehicles at parking lots. By scanning the vehicle license using the tool, relevant information can be gathered to create a membership account, streamlining the registration process.

AIFormX is a powerful data extraction tool that leverages AI to convert physical documents into structured digital data. With its pre-configured models, API integration, user-friendly web portal, and mobile scanning capabilities, it offers a seamless and efficient solution for businesses and organizations. Whether it's automating invoice data extraction, streamlining loyalty programs, or simplifying membership registration, AIFormX provides the tools needed to optimize data capture and extraction processes. Get started with AIFormX today and experience the benefits of automated data extraction.

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Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
USD 299/mo/extractor
Global Rank
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Tech used
Google Tag Manager,LinkedIn Insights,Webflow,Amazon AWS CloudFront,Google Fonts,jQuery,Gzip,JSON Schema,OpenGraph,YouTube

Top 5 Countries

India United States Afghanistan Turkey Maldives

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Updated Date: 2024-07-22 was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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