Gen-2 by Runway

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Introducing Gen-2: A powerful multimodal AI system that synthesizes videos realistically and consistently. Unlock new creative possibilities today.0
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What is Gen-2 by Runway?

Gen-2 is a multimodal AI system that can generate new videos with text, images, or video clips. It can synthesize videos realistically and consistently by applying the composition and style of an image or text prompt to the structure of a source video or using only words. Gen-2 offers eight different modes, including Text to Video, Text + Image to Video, Image to Video, Stylization, Storyboard, Mask, Render, and Customization. Runway Research is dedicated to building multimodal AI systems that will enable new forms of creativity, and Gen-2 represents a pivotal step forward in this mission.

Key Features:

1. Text to Video mode can synthesize videos in any style using only a text prompt.

2. Text + Image to Video mode generates a video using a driving image and a text prompt.

3. Image to Video mode generates a video using only a driving image.

4. Stylization mode transfers the style of any image or prompt to every frame of a video.

5. Storyboard mode turns mockups into fully stylized and animated renders.

6. Mask mode isolates subjects in a video and modifies them with simple text prompts.

7. Render mode turns untextured renders into realistic outputs by applying an input image or prompt.

8. Customization mode allows for even higher fidelity results by customizing the model.

Use Cases:

Gen-2 can be effectively utilized in situations where new videos need to be synthesized realistically and consistently. For example, it can be used to generate videos for movies, commercials, or social media posts. It can also be used to turn mockups into fully stylized and animated renders, or to isolate subjects in a video and modify them with simple text prompts.

Gen-2 is a powerful tool that enables new forms of creativity by synthesizing videos realistically and consistently. It offers eight different modes that allow users to generate videos using text, images, or video clips. Runway Research is dedicated to building multimodal AI systems that will enable new forms of creativity, and Gen-2 represents a pivotal step forward in this mission.

More information on Gen-2 by Runway

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Tech used
Amazon AWS CloudFront,Next.js,Vercel,Gzip,OpenGraph,Webpack,HSTS,Amazon AWS S3

Top 5 Countries

United States Japan China Russian Federation Brazil

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Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Gen-2 by Runway was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  2. Transform text descriptions into visually appealing videos with Magic Video V2! Generate high-quality, smooth videos based on your ideas. Learn more here.

  3. Create high-quality videos in seconds using AI. Automate your video content creation strategy today

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  5. Transform text into captivating videos with Genmo. Its AI-powered technology generates visually stunning content, going beyond 2D animations. Customize and bring your ideas to life with endless possibilities.