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Hellooo is a powerful product discovery tool that harnesses AI to analyze user interviews efficiently, generating actionable insights in minutes.0
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What is Hellooo?

Hellooo is a robust product discovery tool that offers a comprehensive suite of features to analyze user interviews efficiently. Harnessing the power of AI, it generates insights from multiple interviews in minutes, empowering businesses to build the right features for the right users.

Key Features:

  1. 🎥 Interview Management:Record, transcribe, and analyze user interviews using a single platform.

  2. ⏰ Flagging and Clipping:Flag key moments during interviews for easy retrieval and create video clips to share with teams.

  3. 🤖 AI-Generated Insights:Generate AI-driven insights from transcripts, saving time and ensuring data-driven product development.

Use Cases:

  1. Improve Product Development: Analyze user feedback to identify pain points and feature requests, enabling the creation of products that truly meet user needs.

  2. Enhance Customer Support: Analyze customer interactions to identify common issues and improve support processes, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and retention.

  3. Conduct Market Research: Gain valuable insights into customer preferences and market trends by analyzing user interviews, empowering businesses to make informed decisions.


Hellooo streamlines the process of analyzing user interviews, uncovering actionable insights that drive product development, customer support, and market research. It empowers businesses to build better products, improve customer experiences, and stay ahead in a competitive landscape.

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Tech used
Framer,Google Fonts,Gzip,HTTP/3,OpenGraph,HSTS

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Indonesia Mexico Norway United Kingdom Australia

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Direct Referrals Search Social
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Hellooo was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. Record user interviews without having weird bots join your calls (works on Zoom, Teams & Meet). Centralize all recordings with top notch AI transcription and custom AI summaries. Share everything with your team.

  2. UserCall is an AI moderated voice interview tool that helps PMs, founders, UX researchers and product people gather high quality user insights effortlessly

  3. Enhance Your Interview Skills with InterviewAI: AI-powered scoring & feedback, realistic practice interviews, and personalized cover letters. Boost your career confidence now!

  4. Replio, an AI-driven platform, streamlines data collection with custom interviews, natural conversations, automated reports & analytics. Ideal for market research & more. Say goodbye to time-consuming data gathering!

  5. Conduct hundreds of conversations at once using AI, getting deeper insights than a survey at a fraction of the cost of human-moderated interviews.