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Discover the power of Desku, an AI-driven customer support solution. Automate conversations, streamline processes, and enhance interactions for optimized support teams and satisfied customers.0
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What is Desku?

Desku is a comprehensive AI customer service solution designed to optimize support teams, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. Its standout features include an AI chatbot, help desk, and powerful automations. Trusted by over 350 businesses and 1000+ support agents, Desku is your go-to tool for automating conversations, minimizing support workload, and scaling support without sacrificing customer experience.

Key Features:

  1. 🤖 AI-powered Inbox: Desku's AI-powered inbox swiftly writes replies, recaps conversations, and crafts new support responses, greatly enhancing efficiency.

  2. 📝 Ticket Summary: The AI-driven ticket summaries streamline your customer support process, ensuring speedy and effective responses.

  3. 🔄 Workflows: Create powerful automations effortlessly, without coding, using Desku's bots, triggers, conditions, and rules.

Use Cases:

  1. A retail business uses Desku's AI chatbot to handle frequent customer inquiries, significantly reducing the response time and workload on human agents.

  2. An IT company employs Desku's ticketing system to quickly resolve complex technical issues, enhancing team collaboration and customer satisfaction.

  3. A startup utilizes Desku's workflow automations to streamline their customer service processes, improving efficiency and reducing operational costs.


Desku stands out as a top-notch AI-driven customer support solution, offering versatile features like an AI-powered inbox, ticket summaries, and customizable workflows. These tools empower businesses to automate conversations, streamline their support processes, and enhance customer interactions. Desku's ability to reduce support queries by 50% and lower support costs by 40% makes it an invaluable asset for businesses aiming to scale their customer support without compromising quality or incurring high costs. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, Desku's AI solution is tailored to meet your customer service needs, ensuring satisfaction for both your team and your customers.

More information on Desku

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
$19 Per user per month
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Matomo Analytics,Cloudflare CDN,WordPress,Font Awesome,Google Fonts,Gzip,HTTP/3,JSON Schema,OpenGraph,RSS,HSTS

Top 5 Countries

United States Afghanistan India Canada El Salvador

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Referrals Mail Social
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Desku was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. Enhance customer support with Userdesk's AI ChatBot creation tool. Streamline processes, customize responses, and automate assistance on your website.

  2. Integrate Instadesk's AI-powered communication tool for efficient cross-departmental collaboration and enhanced customer service. Start your free trial now!

  3. Miles beyond traditional outsourcers. Chatdesk uses AI and US-based experts to boost conversions and solve tickets across social, email, chat, and SMS.

  4. Lower your support costs, increase your sales, with the only AI-powered customer service software that’s connected to everywhere you sell.

  5. Manage all your customer messages in one place with the power of AI.Build better bonds automatically.