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Hexowatch is your AI sidekick to archive and monitor any website for visual, content, price, source code, technology, availability or WHOIS changes.0
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What is Hexowatch?

Hexowatch is an AI-powered website monitoring tool that helps users track changes in visual appearance, content, source code, technology, availability, and pricing on any website. It offers a range of monitoring options and provides alerts and data extraction capabilities. With Hexowatch, users can save time by automating the process of checking multiple websites for updates.

Key Features:

1. Content Monitoring: Hexowatch allows users to monitor the visible content on web pages for any changes. This feature is useful for tracking updates to articles, blog posts, product descriptions, or any other textual information.

2. Sitemap Monitoring: Users can monitor websites for new or deleted pages using their sitemaps. This feature helps keep track of changes in site structure or additions/removals of important pages.

3. API Monitoring: Hexowatch enables users to monitor HTTP post and API endpoints for response changes. This functionality is valuable for ensuring the proper functioning of integrations with external systems or services.

Use Cases:

- Website Health Check: Hexowatch helps users ensure that their websites are rendering correctly across different devices by providing instant alerts when something goes wrong.

- Competitive Intelligence: Users can stay ahead of competitors by receiving notifications when they launch new products or make significant changes to their offerings.

- Price Tracking: The software allows users to track competitor prices across multiple channels so they can adjust their own pricing strategy accordingly.

- Product Availability Alerts: Users waiting for specific products to become available again can receive instant notifications when product pages change.

- Recruitment Opportunities: Recruiters or job seekers can monitor vacancies at companies they are interested in working with or track opportunities from popular job search engines.

- Real Estate Opportunities: By monitoring real estate agents' websites or aggregator sites, users can be alerted instantly when a property matching their requirements becomes available.

- Defacement Protection: Hexowatch enhances website security by detecting unauthorized content modifications and providing alerts to prevent tampering.

- Customer Review Monitoring: Users can receive alerts when customers leave new feedback on popular review websites, allowing them to stay updated on customer sentiment.

- Market Tracking: Hexowatch enables users to monitor currency or market index values and receive notifications when they change or hit specific thresholds.

- SEO Backlink Tracking: Users can ensure the presence of their backlinks on guest posts or client websites, preventing loss of valuable link juice.


Hexowatch is a powerful AI-driven website monitoring tool that offers a wide range of features for tracking changes in visual appearance, content, source code, technology, availability, and pricing. It helps users save time by automating the process of checking multiple websites and provides detailed change reports and data extraction capabilities. With its versatility and ease-of-use, Hexowatch has applications across various industries and use cases.

More information on Hexowatch

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$14.99 /mo
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Tag Manager,Cloudflare CDN,Progressive Web App,Webpack,Stripe,HSTS,Google Cloud Storage

Top 5 Countries

United States Turkey Russian Federation Colombia Viet Nam

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Social Referrals Paid Referrals
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Hexowatch was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. Meet Hexometer, your AI sidekick that works 24/7 to catch problems before they affect your business.

  2. Streamline web scraping with Hexofy, a user-friendly browser extension. Capture data from any page with one click and leverage AI assistant integration for enhanced functionality. Revolutionize productivity in lead gen, social media monitoring, e-commerce research, and content creation.

  3. Improve website performance with UserWatch! Get actionable insights on user behavior, streamline design, and boost engagement. Try it now!

  4. Never miss any update on your favorite websites. Get notified instantly for product restocks, price drops, and more.

  5. Monitor Conversations on Reddit, X (Twitter), Hacker News, Linkedin, and Quora. Receive instant alerts when specific keywords are mentioned on social media or when comments are made in specific conversations.