Howler AI

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Use Howler to run automated PR campaigns to relevant journalists in your niche0
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What is Howler AI?

Howler is an AI-powered PR automation tool designed to streamline and enhance the process of reaching out to journalists for companies looking to increase their media visibility. With a vast database of over 600,000 journalists, Howler uses advanced algorithms to match companies with the most relevant media contacts based on their niche. The platform offers a suite of services including custom pitch writing, targeted email outreach campaigns, and comprehensive reporting, all aimed at saving time and increasing the effectiveness of PR efforts.

Key Features:

  1. 🚀 Hyper-targeted Outreach: Howler uses AI to match your company with journalists who have a history of covering similar topics, ensuring your pitch reaches the right eyes.

  2. 🤑 Time and Cost Efficient: Automated campaigns reduce the need for manual outreach, saving your company valuable time and resources.

  3. 📣 Expert Pitch Crafting: Our in-house PR team crafts optimized pitches that are clear, compelling, and tailored to your story.

  4. 📡 Spam-Free Communication: Custom lists for each campaign minimize spam and increase the relevance of your pitch to each journalist.

  5. 🤖 Quick and Easy Campaigns: Campaigns are designed to be quick to start, focused, and easily cancellable if not meeting ROI expectations.

Use Cases:

  1. 🥊 Rumblr, a platform for arranging real-life brawls, gained widespread media attention, including features in The Washington Post and BBC, using Howler’s targeted outreach.

  2. 💃 Radiate, the “Tinder for meeting people at Coachella,” secured coverage in Creative Loafing: Tampa Bay, expanding its reach to music festival-goers.

  3. 💸 Bitcoin Regret Club, a website showcasing cryptocurrency regrets, was featured in Mashable, highlighting its unique and engaging concept.


Howler is more than just a PR tool; it’s a strategic partner in your company’s journey to media visibility. By leveraging the power of AI and a deep understanding of journalist preferences, Howler ensures that your story is heard by those who matter most. Join the ranks of companies like Rumblr and Radiate who have seen their stories take off with Howler’s targeted and efficient PR campaigns. Experience the difference of precision outreach and see how Howler can simplify your path to media coverage.

More information on Howler AI

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$8,000 monthly
Global Rank
Month Visit
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Top 5 Countries

Indonesia Spain Netherlands Australia Belgium

Traffic Sources

Referrals Search
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Howler AI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Howler AI Alternatives

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  1. Discover the power of PressPulse AI, your personal PR assistant. Get personalized press opportunities and top media coverage in just 5 minutes a day!

  2. OutReachWriter, powered by advanced AI technology, enables personalized and effective communication to boost response rates for business in the digital era.

  3. Empower startups with data-driven content solutions in HR, Sales, & Project Management using Haller AI's cutting-edge platform.

  4. Press Ranger is an AI-powered toolkit that makes journalist outreach and press release distribution quick and easy.

  5. Discover RyterAI, a versatile AI tool for small businesses. Generate creative content ideas, improve communication skills, and create engaging social media posts. Boost your online presence with RyterAI!