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HTCD offers centralized visibility across your AWS and Azure environments—with 500+ OOTB policies for cloud security, infrastructure, network, SaaS, and compliance. All while retaining 100% ownership of your data.0
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What is HTCD?

HTCD stands out in the cloud security market by offering a quick 15-minute setup, zero data retention, and zero lock-in policies, ensuring flexibility and data sovereignty. Its integration with AWS and other cloud platforms provides extensive coverage for multi-cloud and data lake environments.

Key Features

  1. Unify🌐: Gain centralized visibility across various environments, including cloud security, infrastructure, and compliance, through an intuitive dashboard.

  2. Detect🔍: Empower your team with natural language query capabilities to uncover threats quickly and efficiently.

  3. Hunt🕵️‍♂️: Automate threat hunting with AI playbooks and insights, reducing triage times and enhancing investigation timelines.

  4. Respond🛡️: Prioritize security misconfigurations intelligently, reducing operational risk and response time significantly.

Use Cases

  1. Compliance Monitoring: HTCD helps financial institutions maintain PCI DSS compliance by providing real-time monitoring and alerts.

  2. Threat Detection in Healthcare: Hospitals use HTCD to detect unauthorized access to sensitive patient data, ensuring HIPAA compliance.

  3. Cybersecurity in Education: Universities employ HTCD to safeguard student data and research, adhering to FERPA regulations.


HTCD is more than just a cloud security tool; it’s a partner in your digital transformation journey. By offering 100% data ownership, boosting analyst productivity by 3x, and providing significant cost savings, HTCD ensures that your cloud environment remains secure, efficient, and compliant. Ready to experience the future of cloud security? Schedule a demo or sign up for a 99c trial and witness the power of AI-driven cloud security firsthand.

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
HTCD was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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HTCD Alternatives

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  1. Safeguard your AI privacy with's LLM Firewall. Protect data & identity now! Prioritize security.

  2. Empower your business with CharShift's private cloud APIs. Experience unparalleled data security and endless possibilities for AI integration.

  3. DoubleCloud is a powerful software for building and managing analytical solutions on popular cloud providers like AWS and GCP. It offers cost-efficient open-source technologies and a user-friendly visualization tool for effective data processing and presentation.

  4. Monitor your data flow, detect privacy threats, and ensure compliance with Zendata. Scan websites, manage risks, and fix vulnerabilities easily.

  5. Enhance code security with CodeThreat - an AI-powered code analysis tool that detects vulnerabilities and ensures regulatory compliance. Try it now!