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Are you looking for love? Keeper's AI matchmaking service can find your soulmate on the first try. One match is all you need.0
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What is Keeper?

Keeper is a unique matchmaking service that leverages AI and relationship science to facilitate meaningful connections. Unlike traditional dating apps, Keeper focuses on creating high-confidence matches that are more likely to lead to committed relationships and marriage. The service is designed for individuals seeking serious, long-term partnerships and goes beyond superficial matching by considering deep psychometric attributes and comprehensive user preferences.

Key Features

  1. Comprehensive Matching: 🧠 Keeper uses a detailed questionnaire to understand users’ preferences and psychometric attributes, ensuring matches are not only compatible but also aligned in values and life goals.

  2. Quality over Quantity: 💍 The focus is on making strong, quality matches rather than a high number of mediocre connections. Matches are vetted to ensure they meet all specified preferences.

  3. AI-Powered Efficiency: 🤖 AI algorithms assist human matchmakers in vetting candidates and making matches, improving efficiency and accuracy in the matching process.

  4. Serious Intentions Only: 🌹 The platform is designed for users who are serious about finding a lifelong partner, filtering out those not committed to long-term relationships.

  5. Flexible Pricing Plans: 💸 Users can choose from a Free plan, a Pay for First Date plan, or a Marriage Bounty plan, each offering different benefits and payment structures.

Use Cases

  1. Finding a Life Partner: For individuals tired of casual dating and seeking a serious, committed relationship, Keeper offers a tailored approach to find a life partner.

  2. Busy Professionals: For those with limited time to swipe through dating apps, Keeper’s focused and efficient matchmaking can be a time-saving solution.

  3. Quality Matches for Marriage: For users specifically looking to get married, Keeper’s deep matching and vetting process increases the chances of finding a spouse.


Keeper stands out in the matchmaking scene by combining the power of AI with a deep understanding of human relationships. It offers a refreshing alternative to the often superficial and time-consuming world of dating apps. For those ready to invest in a serious relationship, Keeper provides a pathway to meaningful connections and potentially life-changing matches.

More information on Keeper

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Top 5 Countries

United States United Kingdom Canada Australia Russian Federation

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Keeper was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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