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AI 프롬프트로 창의성을 발휘하세요 - 궁극적인 영감 허브!
최신 |신규 |인기

Facebook Video Script

Write a Facebook ad video script for [product description] that speaks directly to [our target audie

Google Ads

Create 10 google ads (a headline and a description) for [product description] targeting the keyword

Facebook Ad (PAS)

Product Name: [Product Name]Product Description: [Product Description]Write a PAS for the productCon

Blog Outline

Create a blog outline for [topic].Optional details:Focus on [angle] to show the reader to do [action

Attention Grabbing Headlines

Generate 5 attention-grabbing headlines for a blog post about [topic]

Video Script Prompt

Write a video script a 1-minute video where the CEO of the company gives an elevator pitch of their

Product Description Prompt

Product Description Prompt:Write 10 different product description examples outlining core product fe

Tagline prompt

Write 10 different polite but sarcastic and catchy tagline examples not exceeding 60 characters, tha

Headline Ideas for Images

Write 6 different headline ideas to be used in the thumbnail images that explain the product in a ca

Image Gallery Brief Prompt

Design Brief:Write a design brief for the thumbnail images to be sent to a designer. These images wi

Logo Brief Prompt

Write an animated thumb-stopping logo brief to be sent to a brand designer for a product called "[Su

Write Resumes/Cover Letters

write a software engineer resume

Write Songs

write a folk song about the sunset show guitar chords

Write Poems

write a poem about the soul and show rhyme and meter headings

Write Emails

write an email selling software to corporate executives

Write Blogs

write a blog on french cuisine

Write Social Media Posts

write a tweet on futurism