Opinion Stage AI

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Get more responses with visual conversational quizzes, polls, surveys & forms. Make beautiful & on-brand. Create fast with AI.0
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What is Opinion Stage AI?

Revolutionize your engagement strategies with Opinion Stage, a cutting-edge platform that combines the power of AI with visually captivating quizzes, polls, surveys, and forms. Effortlessly craft on-brand, interactive content that amplifies response rates and deepens audience involvement. With no credit card needed for the free plan and trusted by industry giants like Uber, Harvard, and Amazon, Opinion Stage empowers businesses of all sizes to gather valuable insights and leads effortlessly.

Key Features:

  1. 📊 AI-Powered Creation: Generate quizzes, surveys, and forms rapidly with AI assistance, ensuring a streamlined workflow.

  2. 🎨 Branding Made Easy: Design stunning, on-brand content with customizable templates that resonate with your audience.

  3. 🗣️ Conversational Experience: Foster natural interactions through one-question-at-a-time design, increasing response thoughtfulness.

  4. 🎬 Visual Engagement: Utilize built-in visual media integrations to create immersive experiences that hold attention longer.

  5. 🤖 Smart Logic: Implement skip and outcome logic for personalized paths, tailoring results to individual users' answers.

Use Cases:

  1. Audience Engagement: Boost content interaction and social sharing by converting passive viewers into active participants via quizzes and polls.

  2. Lead Generation: Enhance lead capture up to 500% by integrating engaging quizzes and forms, efficiently qualifying leads.

  3. In-Depth Feedback: Collect comprehensive feedback through visually interactive surveys, simplifying analysis with a user-friendly dashboard.


Opinion Stage is your gateway to creating quizzes, surveys, and forms that not only look exceptional but also deliver exceptional results. With millions of items created and billions of questions answered, it’s clear why leading organizations worldwide trust this platform. Begin your journey towards enhanced audience engagement, enriched data collection, and accelerated growth today. Sign up for free, harness the power of AI, and witness the transformation in your business results firsthand. Don't just create content—create conversations that count!

More information on Opinion Stage AI

Pricing Model
Starting Price
25 per month
Global Rank
Month Visit
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Top 5 Countries

United States United Kingdom Belgium Canada Israel

Traffic Sources

Search Direct Referrals Social Mail Paid Referrals
Updated Date: 2024-05-23
Opinion Stage AI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Opinion Stage AI Alternatives

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  1. AI powered research. Skip the costly surveys and questionnaires, use OpinioAI to generate all the synthetic data you'll need for your research.

  2. Revolutionize your form creation process with RapidoForm. This AI-powered tool makes data collection simple and powerful, leaving behind boring forms. Say hello to efficiency and ease with RapidoForm.

  3. Create surveys in seconds and analyze results without drowning in data.Skip the tedious work, reach insights sooner.

  4. Gone are the days where you spend weeks creating and optimizing copy, searching images, and designing conversion funnels. Quickly build a unique, high quality quiz to promote your business, grow your community, and generate qualified leads.

  5. Interact AI is an automated quiz creation tool that makes it easy to generate engaging quizzes.