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Color pairings

Can you recommend a color palette for a wedding photography website?

Linkedin Connection Invite Message

you are a recruiter trying to attract top came across this linkedin profile [linkedin URL

Question Answering

[What is/are] [the answer to] [question]?

Text Completion

[Complete this sentence/paragraph]: [partial text].

Text Generation

[Generate/Write] [a text] [about/on/based on] [topic/prompt].


[Translate] [this text/phrase] [from language] [to language].


[Have a conversation/chat] [about topic].


[Summarize/Condense] [this text/article] [into a shorter form].

Sentiment Analysis

[Analyze the sentiment of] [this text/sentence] [and classify it as positive, negative, or neutral].

Text Classification

[Classify/Categorize] [this text/document] [into predefined categories].

Image Caption Generation

[Generate a caption for] [this image].

Report Generation

[Generate a report] [on data/insights] [for business/market analysis].

Reply Generation

[Generate a message / customer service response / reply for] [inquiry/question].

Idea Generation

[Generate recommendations for] [content, such as articles/products/services] [based on interests/pre

Custom Text Manipulation

write a paragraph on the history of the calculator, include emojis at the end of every sentence, and


write a paragraph on the topic of cellular automata in the style of a social media influencer


write a paragraph on the topic of cellular automata in an informal style


write a paragraph on the topic of cellular automata in a formal style

Unstructured Output Styles

write a paragraph on how to make brownies in the 1st person

Headings and Subheadings

convert this text into headings and subheadings: Babe Ruth joined the New York Yankees in 1920. The

Numbered List

give me a numbered list of 5 citrus fruits