Stable Artisan

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A fun multimodal generative AI Discord bot that utilizes the products on the Stability AI Platform API within the Discord ecosystem.0
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What is Stable Artisan?

Stable Artisan, a revolutionary multimodal generative AI Discord bot that seamlessly integrates the advanced capabilities of the Stability AI Platform API within the Discord ecosystem. Designed for creative enthusiasts and professionals alike, Stable Artisan offers a unique and interactive platform for image and video generation and editing.

Key Features:

  1. Powered by Stable Diffusion 3:Leveraging our most powerful AI technology, Stable Diffusion 3, Stable Artisan allows users to transform their thoughts into stunning images using natural language prompts. Experience greatly improved performance in multi-subject prompts, image quality, and spelling capabilities.

  2. Multimodal Functionality:Stable Artisan goes beyond traditional image generation, offering a suite of features including Stable Image Services, Search and Replace, Remove Background, Creative Upscale, Outpaint, and more. These tools empower users to create, edit, and enhance images like never before.

  3. Stable Video Generation:With the ability to create videos from text or images, Stable Artisan turns your concepts into captivating cinematics. This feature opens up a world of possibilities for content creators and filmmakers.

  4. Interactive Community Engagement:Access Stable Artisan on the Stable Diffusion Discord Server and join a vibrant community of creators. Collaborate, share ideas, and generate images together, enhancing the creative process.

  5. Flexible Pricing Plans:Choose from a range of subscription plans starting at just $9 per month. Each plan offers a 3-Day Free Trial, allowing you to explore the features and find the perfect fit for your needs. Credits are charged per successful generation, ensuring you only pay for what you use.

Use Cases:

  • Content Creators:Generate high-quality images and videos for social media, blogs, and marketing materials.

  • Artists and Designers:Explore new realms of creativity with advanced image editing tools and AI-driven generation.

  • Educators and Students:Utilize Stable Artisan for educational projects, visual aids, and interactive learning experiences.

  • Filmmakers and Animators:Bring your visions to life with Stable Video, creating unique and engaging cinematics.

Stable Artisan is more than just a Discord bot - it’s a dynamic tool that empowers users to push the boundaries of their creativity. With its user-friendly interface, powerful AI capabilities, and interactive community, Stable Artisan is the ultimate platform for anyone looking to explore the world of AI-driven content creation.

More information on Stable Artisan

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Stable Artisan was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Stable Artisan Alternatives

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  1. Generate AI-created images and photos with Stable Diffusion using a distributed computing cluster powered by the AI Horde. No login required and free to use.

  2. Stable Assistant is a friendly chatbot developed by Stability AI equipped with our latest text and image generation technology featuring Stable Diffusion 3, Stable Video, Stable Image Services and Stable LM 2 12B.

  3. StableStudio is Stability AI's official open-source variant of DreamStudio, our user interface for generative AI.

  4. Powered by Stable Diffusion XL, the latest realesed and one of the most advanced image generation model that produces stunning visuals and realistic aesthetics from shorter prompts. Simply input what comes to your mind and hit the generate button and try.

  5. Get the perfect image. Everytime.Find exactly the image you need. And if it doesn't exist, we'll cre