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2x your productivity with Struct, a brand-new real-time chat platform designed from the ground up around threads, feeds and AI.0
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What is

Struct is a revolutionary real-time chat platform designed to enhance productivity and collaboration for teams, communities, and individuals. With a focus on threads, feeds, and AI, Struct streamlines communication, diminishes distractions, and preserves knowledge. Its intuitive interface, combined with features like custom feeds, tag threads, privacy by design, and multi-view options, makes it an ideal tool for both professional and community interactions. Struct is built to capture every insight, ensuring that no valuable exchange is lost.

Key Features

  1. 🧵 Real-time Collaboration: Struct’s threaded approach keeps discussions focused and easily navigable, enhancing real-time communication.

  2. 📰 Custom Feeds: Create personalized views by filtering users and tags, ensuring you see the most relevant conversations.

  3. 🏷️ Tag Threads: Use tags for project management, task delegation, and bug tracking, integrating various aspects of work in one space.

  4. 🔒 Privacy by Design: Struct prioritizes privacy, keeping conversations secure and visible only to intended recipients.

  5. 📤 Share Anything: Instantly share files, code, or ideas with the right people, facilitating quick and efficient collaboration.

Use Cases

  1. Team Collaboration: A software development team uses Struct to manage projects, share code, and track bugs, all within a single platform, increasing productivity.

  2. Community Engagement: A community moderator utilizes Struct’s AI-powered moderation and SEO-optimized threads to manage a large online forum, enhancing engagement and safety.

  3. Personal Productivity: An individual uses Struct’s multi-view modes and keyboard shortcuts to navigate through personal and professional chats efficiently, saving time and staying organized.


Struct is more than just a chat platform; it’s a productivity enhancer, a collaboration facilitator, and a knowledge preserver. Whether you’re part of a team, managing a community, or looking to streamline personal communications, Struct offers the tools and features to make every conversation count. Experience the efficiency of Struct and see how it transforms the way you communicate and collaborate.

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Updated Date: 2024-06-25 was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. Struct is a chat platform that leverages AI to generate title, summary, and resolution status

  2. is a chatbot for Slack that uses cutting-edge AI to transform your Slack conversations into a structured, easily searchable knowledge base.

  3. Strut combines the tools you need to run your entire writing process — capture projects, notes, drafts, and more in collaborative workspaces powered by AI.

  4. Glue is a work chat application designed to facilitate focused, AI-assisted conversations.

  5. Struxe Brings a New Dimension to Productive Teamwork by seamlessly merging internal social networking with productivity tools, offering a cohesive platform for collaborative innovation, project management, documentation, and idea creation.