Super Send

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Super Send: An email marketing service with Gmail integration, automation, A/B testing, personalized images, and Twitter automation. Boost your campaigns now!0
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What is Super Send?

Super Send is an email marketing service that offers a range of features to help users run effective outbound campaigns. With the ability to send emails using a real Gmail address, automate follow-ups, and perform A/B testing, Super Send provides users with the tools they need to optimize their email marketing strategies. Additionally, the platform offers features such as Twitter automation, inbox rotation, robust reporting, and personalized images. Super Send aims to help users save time and money while increasing their email deliverability and campaign performance.

Key Features:

1. Conditional Sequences: Super Send's sequence builder allows users to create customized outbound campaigns with ease. Users can take actions outside of Super Send using the Task Node feature, providing flexibility in their email marketing strategies.

2. Email Automation: Users can send emails using their real Gmail address and automate follow-ups based on recipient responses. This feature helps to streamline communication and increase the chances of engagement.

3. Twitter Automation: Super Send allows users to follow and message prospects on Twitter, offering an additional channel for reaching out to potential customers. This feature can be highly effective when used tastefully and strategically.

Use Cases:

1. Startup Founders: Super Send is designed to help startup founders quickly build their initial customer base. By providing tools for complex sequences using a combination of email and Twitter, founders can efficiently reach potential customers and drive engagement.

2. Sales Teams: Super Send's features, such as email automation and A/B testing, are valuable for sales teams looking to run effective outbound campaigns. The platform's robust reporting capabilities also allow teams to analyze campaign performance and make data-driven decisions.

3. Marketing Professionals: Super Send's personalized images, advanced filtering and querying, and lead enrichment features make it a valuable tool for marketing professionals. These features enable marketers to create personalized and targeted campaigns, increasing the chances of success.

Super Send offers a comprehensive set of features that make it a powerful tool for email marketing. From email automation and A/B testing to Twitter automation and personalized images, Super Send provides users with the tools they need to run effective outbound campaigns. Whether you're a startup founder, sales team, or marketing professional, Super Send can help you save time, increase engagement, and optimize your email marketing strategies. With its user-friendly interface and affordable pricing plans, Super Send is a valuable asset for any business looking to boost their email marketing efforts.

More information on Super Send

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$20 per month
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Profitwell,Google Fonts,Next.js,Gzip,OpenGraph,Webpack,Intercom,YouTube

Top 5 Countries

United States United Kingdom Canada Puerto Rico Luxembourg

Traffic Sources

Direct Social Search Referrals
Updated Date: 2024-06-25
Super Send was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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