Tappy AI

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Tappy is an AI-powered browser extension that generates authentic, impactful comments on LinkedIn posts. Boost engagement and enhance branding with ease.0
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What is Tappy AI?

Tappy is an AI-powered browser extension that makes commenting on LinkedIn posts effortless and impactful. It generates thoughtful, human-sounding comments with a single tap, helping professionals engage with prospects, boost their personal brand, and enhance job search visibility.

Key Features:

  1. 💬 Thoughtful Comments: Tappy analyzes post content and generates comments that sound authentic and insightful, enhancing engagement and building rapport.

  2. 🎭 Human-Like Responses: Tappy's AI engine crafts comments that mimic natural human language, ensuring they blend seamlessly with other user interactions.

  3. 📈 Real-Time Insights: Tappy provides real-time insights into post performance, including engagement metrics and audience demographics, helping users optimize their LinkedIn strategy.

Use Cases:

  1. Sales Prospecting: Sales professionals can engage with prospects' LinkedIn posts to initiate meaningful conversations and stay top-of-mind.

  2. Personal Branding: Content creators can comment on other posts to gain visibility, grow their audience, and establish themselves as thought leaders.

  3. Job Search: Job seekers can engage with job postings and connect with hiring managers, increasing their candidate visibility and improving their chances of landing their dream job.


Tappy is a powerful AI tool that transforms LinkedIn engagement by generating thoughtful, human-sounding comments with a single tap. It simplifies networking, personal branding, and job search efforts, helping professionals build stronger connections, expand their reach, and achieve their goals on LinkedIn.

More information on Tappy AI

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,LinkedIn Insights,Reddit Pixel,cdnjs,JSDelivr,Bootstrap,jQuery,Gzip,OpenGraph,HSTS,Nginx

Top 5 Countries

Qatar Saudi Arabia Spain Poland United Kingdom

Traffic Sources

Direct Search
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Tappy AI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  2. evyAI is a LinkedIn™ AI Assistant that helps you create personalized comments, write posts, and reply to DMs.

  3. Optimize your commenting efforts on LinkedIn with Commenter.ai. Leverage AI technology to generate comments quickly and enhance your online presence. Early access available.

  4. Boost your LinkedIn interactions with SmartEReply, a powerful AI assistant that enhances networking opportunities and improves online presence.

  5. Super Comments AI is a Chrome extension that uses AI to generate comments on social platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter