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Transform your computer into a memory palace with Unlost. Effortlessly capture and organize your screen activity for easy recall and retrieval.0
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What is Unlost?

Unlost is a revolutionary tool that transforms your computer into a memory palace, effortlessly capturing and organizing your screen activity for easy recall and retrieval, aiding in retaining vital information.

Key Features:

  • Effortlessly Captures: Unlost intelligently records your screen content, understanding your layout and context, eliminating the need for manual note-taking, bookmarking, or searching with exact words.
  • Natural Language Search: Search and filter your captured data using natural language queries, making it as simple as asking a question.
  • Private and Secure: Unlost respects your privacy and copyright law, allowing you to define what is captured and stopping recordings when copyright content is detected. All data processing and storage are done locally on your device.

Use Cases

  • Revisiting meeting transcripts: Search and filter transcripts from Zoom, Google Meets, and Teams, whether from web or native clients, making it easy to revisit key discussion points.
  • Quickly accessing notes and articles: Capture important information from web pages, articles, or documents, then search and retrieve them later with a simple query, eliminating the need for cumbersome note-taking.
  • Effortlessly recalling user interviews: Capture and store user interview questions and responses, allowing for easy filtering and retrieval, making it a breeze to refer back to specific insights and feedback.


Unlost revolutionizes the way you interact with your computer, transforming it into an extension of your memory, discreetly capturing and organizing your digital interactions for effortless recall. Its natural language search, privacy features, and support for various applications make it an invaluable tool for researchers, professionals, and anyone who wants to enhance their productivity and creativity.

More information on Unlost

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Framer,Gzip,OpenGraph,HSTS

Top 5 Countries

Turkey United States India Singapore United Kingdom

Traffic Sources

Direct Referrals Search Social
Updated Date: 2024-06-25
Unlost was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  2. Capture and save information effortlessly with Lazy, the powerful note-taking tool. Organize knowledge, sync highlights, and stay productive. Sign up now!

  3. Find your ideas faster than ever. Our AI-driven note-taking experience liberates your mind, allowing you to focus on innovation rather than information retention.

  4. reMind is a local, privacy-focused memory app that captures, indexes, and recalls your digital activities. With local processing, efficient indexing, and local LLM integration, reMind ensures your data stays private. Open-source for continuous improvement.

  5. Save time and enhance your knowledge with Recall - the powerful software to summarize and save any online content. Try it now!