Voice Control for ChatGPT

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Voice Control for ChatGPT allows you to have voice conversations with ChatGPT.0
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What is Voice Control for ChatGPT?

Voice Control for ChatGPT is a browser extension that enhances the ChatGPT experience by adding voice input and read aloud capabilities. This tool allows users to have voice conversations with ChatGPT, record their voice queries, and receive responses read aloud. It supports multiple languages and is designed to be a faster and more efficient way to interact with the AI. Additionally, it introduces Mia AI, a personal voice assistant integrated with ChatGPT, providing a more natural and hands-free interaction.

Key Features:

  1. 🎤 Voice Input: Record and submit your spoken questions to ChatGPT.

  2. 📣 Read Aloud: Have ChatGPT’s responses read aloud for a more immersive experience.

  3. 🌎 Multilingual Support: Enjoy conversations with ChatGPT in multiple languages.

  4. 🗣️ Advanced AI Integration: Use voices from OpenAI or your browser for a personalized experience.

  5. 🔘 Mia AI: Transform ChatGPT into your personal voice assistant.

Use Cases:

  1. Effortless Conversations: Save time by speaking your questions instead of typing.

  2. Accessibility: Provide an accessible tool for people with disabilities or impairments that make typing difficult.

  3. Language Learning: Practice speaking skills and improve pronunciation with ChatGPT.


Voice Control for ChatGPT is a valuable tool for enhancing your experience with ChatGPT. It simplifies interactions, saves time, and provides a more immersive and accessible experience. With the addition of Mia AI, it becomes a personal voice assistant, making every conversation natural and hands-free. Try it now and take your AI interactions to a whole new level!

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Updated Date: 2024-06-25
Voice Control for ChatGPT was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Voice Control for ChatGPT Alternatives

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  1. Control ChatGPT using your voice. Talk to ChatGPT and hear the responses in a natural voice. Extends

  2. VoiceGPT: Your AI-powered personal assistant and chat tool. Send unlimited free messages, enjoy voice support in 67 languages, and enhance productivity with OCR and code execution. Try VoiceGPT today!

  3. Practice oral English and chat casually with ChatGPT on SpeechGPT. Enhance speech synthesis/recognition with Azure or Amazon Polly keys.

  4. Enhance your browsing experience with ChatGPT for Google. Instant answers, language translation, and content creation support at your fingertips.

  5. Enhance productivity and creativity with ChatGPT, the versatile AI tool offering instant communication, voice recognition, and natural language processing capabilities.