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Supercharge your productivity with WorkifAI! Automate proposal writing, project estimation, and management for freelancers and small businesses.0
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What is WorkifAI?

WorkifAI is an advanced AI tool designed to enhance the productivity and revenue of freelancers and small businesses by automating proposal writing, project estimation, and project management. With its personalized AI model, WorkifAI analyzes previous projects to craft impressive proposals tailored to attract new clients.

Key Features:

Automated Proposal Writing: WorkifAI automates the process of crafting impressive proposals tailored to attract new clients.

Project Estimation: The AI model predicts project timelines, allowing users to manage their workload and meet project deadlines more efficiently.

CRM Integration: WorkifAI includes a CRM feature that simplifies client management and generates professionally written emails.

Online and PDF Proposal Sharing: Users can share proposals with clients in an online format or as downloadable PDFs for review and acceptance.

More information on WorkifAI

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
start from $9/mo
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Amazon AWS CloudFront,Cloudflare CDN,JSDelivr,Express,jQuery,Gzip,OpenGraph,Stripe,Amazon AWS S3

Top 5 Countries

Turkey Nepal

Traffic Sources

Mail Search
Updated Date: 2024-03-31
WorkifAI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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