XInterview AI

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XInterview Intelligent Candidate Video Interviewing Platform revolutionizes recruitment with its advanced video interviewing screening technology, powered by AI.0
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What is XInterview AI?

Xinterview revolutionizes the hiring landscape, combining the power of AI with an intuitive platform to streamline video interviews at scale. Trusted by over 500+ global brands, it saves companies 70% of their hiring time while ensuring they find the perfect fit for every position. With a 14-day free trial, no credit card required, recruiters can now simplify their workflow from posting jobs to managing applicants all under one roof.

Key Features:

  1. 🎥 AI-Powered Video Interviews
    Leverage AI to conduct efficient, scalable interviews that uncover the best talents.

  2. ✉️ One-Click Outreach
    Swiftly send personalized invitation links to candidates, eliminating scheduling headaches.

  3. 🗣️ Candidate-Centric Engagement
    Candidates respond on their own time, fostering genuine and insightful conversations.

  4. 👀 Effortless Review Process
    Quickly evaluate video responses, collaborate with your team, and advance top candidates.

  5. 🔌 Seamless Integrations
    Integrate smoothly with your ATS for an even more optimized recruitment journey.

  6. 🌎 Universal Accessibility
    Accessible on any device, anywhere, making the process convenient for all.

Use Cases:

  1. Startup Hiring Boom:A fast-growing startup uses Xinterview to screen hundreds of candidates efficiently, identifying top talent without getting bogged down in logistics.

  2. Global Corporation's Diverse Hires:A multinational firm streamlines its international recruitment, conducting inclusive and standardized pre-screenings across borders.

  3. Small Business Time Saver:A local business owner reduces hiring overhead by 80%, focusing more on business growth while still finding the right people.


Xinterview is more than just a hiring tool—it's a catalyst for transforming your recruitment strategy. By embracing its comprehensive platform, you're empowering your team to make smarter hiring decisions faster, leading to a workforce that propels your business forward. Don't just take our word for it; the testimonials speak volumes about Xinterview's transformative impact on businesses of all sizes. Begin your journey to hiring excellence today with a risk-free trial, and witness firsthand the future of recruitment. Your next star hire awaits!

More information on XInterview AI

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
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Top 5 Countries

United Kingdom India Switzerland Philippines Germany

Traffic Sources

Direct Referrals Social Search
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
XInterview AI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  5. Take a mock interview or screen candidates at scale. Starting with technical Systems Design interviews.