xPath Labs

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Capture leads and automate 95% visitor queries by using ChatGPT that learns from your website information and engages visitors.0
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What is xPath Labs?

ChatGPT by xPath Labs is an AI tool that can be deployed on your website to capture leads, automate visitor queries, and boost conversion rates. It learns from your website information and engages visitors in human-like conversations, providing instant answers to their questions.

Key Features:

1. 🤖 Intelligent Chatbot: Deploy an intelligent chatbot on your website that learns from your website content and provides accurate responses to visitor queries.

2. 📩 Lead Capture: The AI chatbot intelligently detects interested visitors and captures their emails, which are sent directly to you for follow-up.

3. ⚡ Instant Responses: ChatGPT ensures lightning-fast response times, ensuring that customers receive immediate answers to their questions.

Use Cases:

1. E-commerce Store: Use ChatGPT on your e-commerce store to engage with visitors, answer product-related questions instantly, and guide them through the purchasing process.

2. Service-based Business: Deploy the chatbot on a service-based business website to provide quick responses about services offered, pricing details, and appointment scheduling.

3. Lead Generation: Utilize ChatGPT's lead capture feature to collect email addresses of interested visitors for future marketing campaigns or sales outreach.


ChatGPT by xPath Labs offers a powerful solution for businesses looking to enhance customer engagement and automate visitor interactions on their websites. With its intelligent chatbot capabilities, lead capture functionality, and instant response times, it can significantly improve conversion rates while saving time for business owners. Whether you run an e-commerce store or a service-based business, deploying ChatGPT can streamline customer support processes and drive growth in your online presence.

More information on xPath Labs

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Next.js,Vercel,Gzip,Webpack,HSTS

Top 5 Countries

Hong Kong

Traffic Sources

Social Search
Updated Date: 2024-04-30
xPath Labs was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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xPath Labs Alternatives

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  1. Create personalized chatbots trained on your website content & FAQs with GPTHelp.ai. Enhance customer support & user engagement effortlessly.

  2. A no-code website search platform that enhances on-site search functionality and adds ChatGPT conver

  3. ShipGPT AI: Power up your apps with AI! Access a ready-made AI repo and transform your applications seamlessly. Ship AI and save 60+ hours.

  4. Resolve customer queries, collect leads, and drive conversions with your own AI Assistant. Only 2 minutes to set up!

  5. Create your own AI chatbot with ChatbotGPT - an alternative to OpenAI's GPTs. Customizable, multilingual, and easy to deploy. Get started now!