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What is 15minuteplan.ai?

15minuteplan.ai is the world's leading AI business plan generator. It swiftly crafts professional business plans tailored to impress investors or secure bank loans, all completed in under 15 minutes. Whether you're an entrepreneur seeking funding or someone needing a business plan for various purposes, our intuitive platform has you covered.

Key Features:

  1. 🚀 Swift Creation: Fill out simple forms, select language preferences, and receive a polished business plan example in minutes.

  2. 💼 Tailored Templates: SBA-approved templates ensure compliance with most banks' requirements, guaranteeing credibility for loan applications.

  3. 🌐 Language Support: Generate plans in multiple languages, catering to diverse audiences and markets.

  4. 🧠 Cutting-edge AI: Powered by GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, our AI taps into vast internet resources and business knowledge, ensuring comprehensive and informed plans.

  5. 💡 Easy Editing: Utilize the "Talk To Plan" feature to effortlessly edit generated plans, customizing content to meet specific needs.

Use Cases:

  1. Securing Investor Funding:Entrepreneurs can swiftly create compelling business plans to woo potential investors, showcasing their vision and strategy with confidence.

  2. Bank Loan Applications:Business owners seeking financial support from banks can rely on our SBA-approved templates to streamline the loan application process, ensuring compliance and professionalism.

  3. General Business Planning:Whether for learning purposes, project references, or non-financial institution submissions, our AI generator simplifies the daunting task of crafting a comprehensive business plan.


Experience the efficiency and effectiveness of 15minuteplan.ai firsthand. Join the ranks of satisfied users who've benefited from our AI-powered platform. With our cutting-edge technology and user-friendly interface, creating a professional business plan is no longer a time-consuming endeavor. Start your journey towards business success today with 15minuteplan.ai.

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Updated Date: 2024-04-01
15minuteplan.ai was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. Pre-built AI-powered business consultants trained by experts and fine-tuned for your entrepreneurial success.

  2. Generate comprehensive and professional business plans effortlessly with Plannit AI. Simplify the process, secure funding, and achieve success today!

  3. Harness the Power of Free, Comprehensive AI Tools with SupremePlans AI. Create business plans, lesson plans, quizzes, and more. Unlock your potential now!

  4. Create professional-grade business plans with BizPlanner.ai. Save as PDF or .docx, edit in the browser, and more. Perfect for startups and small businesses.

  5. Develop professional business plans and attract investors with Business Plan Factory. Access angel investors and utilize financial planning capabilities for growth and success.