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6figr.com is a career platform which helps you search salaries across different companies, find verified data insights on layoffs, compensation ranges & how to navigate AI automation of your job.0
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What is 6figr.com?

Search Salaries by Companies & Levels is a powerful AI tool that allows you to analyze and compare your salary with real salary profiles, providing in-depth information on companies, titles, schools, skills, and more. It also helps you navigate your career confidently by showing where your compensation ranks among peers and enabling you to compare salaries across different companies and roles.

Key Features:

  1. 💼 Salary Comparison: Search Salaries by Companies & Levels lets you compare your salary with millions of real profiles, providing detailed insights into company-specific compensation data, including base, stocks, and bonuses.

  2. 🌟 Career Path Guidance: Discover your position in the corporate world, assess your market worth, and plan your career with AI-driven career services that help you navigate your career confidently.

  3. 🌐 Global Layoff Tracker: Stay informed about the latest layoffs worldwide, with insights into the number of job cuts and the industries most affected, helping you stay prepared in the changing job market.

Use Cases:

  1. Are you negotiating a job offer? Use this tool to research average salaries for your desired position and company, ensuring you receive fair compensation.

  2. As a recent graduate, you can compare your starting salary with peers from your school or field, helping you make informed career decisions.

  3. Stay up-to-date with global job market trends by tracking layoffs, giving you valuable insights into job security and industry stability.


Search Salaries by Companies & Levels empowers you to make informed career decisions by providing accurate salary data, career path guidance, and insights into the job market. Whether you're negotiating a new job offer or planning your career trajectory, this AI tool is your trusted companion for salary analysis and career planning.

More information on 6figr.com

Pricing Model
Starting Price
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Amazon AWS CloudFront,Gzip,JSON Schema,OpenGraph,Nginx,Ubuntu

Top 5 Countries

India United States Canada Germany Russian Federation

Traffic Sources

Search Direct Social Referrals
Updated Date: 2024-04-30
6figr.com was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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6figr.com Alternatives

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  1. Unlock fair pay with Payscale: Compare salaries, analyze trends, and manage compensation efficiently. Negotiate job offers confidently, inform business strategies, and ensure equity. Explore Payscale’s AI-powered tools now!

  2. Tiered is an AI-driven career coaching tool. It leverages artificial intelligence to evaluate various factors such as a user's experience, education, compensation, and marketability to construct actionable recommendations for career progression.

  3. Discover hireBrain, an AI-driven platform that matches tech experts with Companies, Recruiters, and Service providers worldwide. Streamline your job search process and access a pool of top tech candidates. Sign up for free and join now!

  4. Get market data and pricing recommendations with HourlyRate.ai, the freelance platform for freelancers. Find curated jobs across multiple channels and platforms.

  5. Maximize your job search with Careerflow, the AI-powered tool that organizes, streamlines, & enhances your application process. Take control now!