Amazon Q

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Your generative AI–powered assistant designed for work that can be tailored to your business0
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What is Amazon Q?

Amazon Q is an AI-powered assistant designed for businesses, aiming to streamline tasks, enhance decision-making, and foster creativity and innovation in the workplace. By connecting to a company’s data, information, and systems, Amazon Q offers tailored, relevant information and advice to users across various roles, from marketers to project managers.

Main Features

  1. Business Expertise Tailoring: Amazon Q Business can be customized to specific business needs using over 40 built-in connectors, ensuring that interactions and results are aligned with company data and systems.

  2. Task Streamlining and Problem Solving: The tool assists in common tasks such as summarizing documents, drafting emails, conducting research, and comparative analysis, thereby reducing time spent on repetitive work.

  3. AWS Expertise: Amazon Q serves as an AWS expert, aiding in daily tasks like bug resolution and code optimization for improved performance.

  4. Security and Privacy: Built with a focus on security and privacy, Amazon Q adheres to stringent enterprise needs, ensuring that data access respects existing identities, roles, and permissions.

  5. Interactive Decision Support: Amazon Q provides fast, relevant answers and guidance, enabling users to make informed decisions quickly.

Application Scenarios

  1. Company Knowledge Access: Users can query Amazon Q for company-specific information, such as logo usage guidelines or application procedures, receiving immediate answers and relevant source links.

  2. Supply Chain Analysis: In the context of AWS Supply Chain application, Amazon Q can analyze the financial impact of supply chain disruptions, suggesting mitigating actions.

  3. AWS Best Practices and Solutions: For technical queries, Amazon Q can recommend AWS services and best practices for web application development, complete with resource links.

  4. Data Visualization in QuickSight: Amazon Q assists in creating and refining data visualizations, such as converting bar charts to Sankey diagrams, directly within the QuickSight platform.

  5. Contact Center Support: In customer service scenarios, Amazon Q helps contact center agents respond to customer inquiries effectively, providing policy information and guiding them through necessary steps.


Amazon Q represents a significant leap in workplace efficiency and decision support. By leveraging AI to provide tailored, role-based insights and solutions, it empowers businesses to operate more effectively and adaptively. Its integration with AWS and focus on security and privacy make it a valuable asset for enterprises looking to enhance their operational capabilities and data-driven decision-making processes.

More information on Amazon Q

Pricing Model
Starting Price
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Top 5 Countries

United States Japan India United Kingdom China

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Referrals Mail Social Paid Referrals
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Amazon Q was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  2. Ask AI allows shoppers clear any question about products with automated Artificial Intelligence responses.

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  5. Easily build intelligent virtual assistants tailored to your data, documents, websites, and more.